Huddle boards and How to use a Huddleboard?

Lean Transition Solutions
2 min readSep 28, 2023


The huddle board is a streamlined visual management tool to improve team communication, collaboration, and task tracking. It consists of columns representing different stages of work and task cards that move through these stages.

Here’s a concise overview of how to effectively use a huddle board:

How to Use a Huddle Board?

  • Setup: Create a physical or digital board divided into columns like “To-Do,” “In Progress,” and “Completed.” Customise columns to match your workflow.
  • Task Cards: Use sticky notes or digital cards to represent tasks. Include task names, deadlines, and assignees. Place cards in the “To-Do” column initially.
  • Progress Tracking: Moving task cards to the “In Progress” column as work begins. This provides a real-time view of ongoing tasks.
  • Visual Signals: Use colours or symbols to indicate task priority or type. This enhances quick understanding of task status.
  • Daily Check-ins: Stand in front of the huddle board during daily meetings. Each team member shares updates, moves cards, and discusses potential roadblocks.
  • Collaboration: The board encourages team collaboration as everyone can see what others are working on, fostering alignment and support.
  • Issue Resolution: Identify tasks that stay in the “In Progress” column for too long. Address challenges collectively and find solutions.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly review the board to identify patterns. Adapt columns or processes to enhance efficiency.
  • Remote Teams: For virtual teams, use digital tools to replicate the board’s structure. This ensures remote members stay connected.
  • Flexibility: Tailor the board to fit your team’s needs. Add columns for specific phases or integrate them with other tools.

The huddle board streamlines task tracking and team collaboration. Visually representing work stages and using symbols for quick insights boosts transparency and accountability. Daily check-ins enhance communication while problem-solving discussions lead to better outcomes. The board’s adaptability ensures it aligns with your workflow, promoting continuous improvement and successful project management.

