Just Doing

The way to do is to be.

2 min readAug 5, 2019

This is a personal manifesto to bring my series of “Doing” to a close.


Literally, you only live once. This is all you can believe in. All that matters is what you choose now.

All that has ever been, was due to a choice you made in the now. All that will ever be is due to a choice you will make now. And it is. Anything. But perfect.

#live rich die poor

Give everything you can afford to give. Love. Experience. An ear (I don’t mean à la Van Gogh? Listen). Invest intellectually, materially, and with all your being into causes, and people that move you.

Do not buy into “First make money, then…”

Question what is it you want to leave behind, and whether it will be worth anything to someone (as of 2019 fiat money it is not [links in Meriam Webster refer to examples of Bitcoin], Let them eat money, it is anything but what your bank ledger states).

#know thyself

Would you invest in yourself? Why? Tell your story.

Why not? Adapt.

Why do people move you? Tell their story.

#emotional vs. professional

Have you ever told professional stories? Emotional stories? Passionate stories?

So, why the f* would you ever think “be professional” is good advice? Now out of all times, when pros build big towers and be the leader of the free world — and still are a joke?!

Tell your emotional, passionate story about why, when you deliver data-driven reasoning about what and how.

Artificial (an absolute substitute for professional intelligence is artificial) intelligence without emotional intelligence is a nightmare.


A vessel (or a data refinery). For better or worse, your neural network has been trained in a very special way. Engage in transfer learning. Embrace. Then share. And update.


Why you do what you do, to figure out how you do it is effective.


Whatever you do.

