Testing Virtuous Cycles Part 2

Journal of testing a practice that moves beyond Agile, in order to apply it in Experiment-driven Development for Ecosystems

4 min readJun 16, 2021

Part 1

Amazing, I’m already in the flow. Just to get the hang of it, I started applying Virtuous Cycles in my morning runs. Helps me compare how the 6-week macro cycle and weekly mini cycle (5+ weekend) relate to each other.

Day 3 Extending yourself, befriending stress

Week 2 Getting back on the horse, add intensity, will shock my system (like Day 2, this week is all the new things getting settled, loads of scheduling, planning, as mentioned yesterday, I don’t particularly enjoy coordination. Doing this in a way that keeps goal and intentions connected, and helps me keep the balance (learning, enjoyment, performance) should change the game. Looking out to Week 3 which will be like today (day 3) for a whole week: befriend stress.

Befriend Stress

Applying Virtuous Cylces in the morning run, turned out to be useful hack! I got a physical experience of what the day should feel like. When I was sitting back at my desk, I thought to myself, that coordination is stressful enough — and my energy levels where instantly zapped. The stress this morning when I ran didn’t feel at all like that — on the contrary it was energizing! So what’s happening here? I don’t want to spend a mindlessly stressful day just because the process says so.

That’s exactly what DurgaDas emphasizes: mindfulness. Take your learning time to understand. It turns out, there is something called eustress, the good stress:

“you can add good stress to your life! Ideally, you choose activities and set goals that make you feel good, happy, and excited.”

There we go, this is why it is so important to make sure the goals are worth achieving — for you — and knowing why. Have you ever worked in a stressed out team that is faking self-organization, bonding and alignment? Zzzzap.

In Token Model Generation (my goal is shipping that chapter at the end of this 6 week cycle), I also explain the difference and relation between Purpose — Objective — Goal in the context of incentive mechanism design in Section “Ecosystem Valueflows”. What is it that the network will be optimizing for, once the token policies are defined and “alive on a blockchain”? I’ll also add to that how to define goals for the virtous cycles in the Section “Experiment-driven Development and Deployment” of token models.

Ok, whilst studying this, I updated the to-do-is-to-be list (💡) for today, and already feel the added stress.

Let’s go!

Started assimilating the new… I guess Week#3 is for putting this in context (a) of writing a book on applied token engineering, some fellow community authors might like it as much as I do (b) of Token Model Generation and Experiment-driven Developmen & Deployment of that Token Model :fractal:

Day 3 (in week 2)

CrushIt/Extend/Flow*/BefriendStress (in New/Shock/Anaerobic)

Happy that I started the journalling right after my run this morning — only leaving this paragraph, I hope to finish before midnight — I literally went all day haha, it was just fantastic — and no worries I took enough me, family, sun time thanks to the Daily Balance triangle. Still I wonder what Week 3 will be like if it is “like Day 3 for a week” #askDurgaDas. Especially if I were to do the same with physical exercise… maybe I’ll go long on meditation — and a little deep. I must say I never felt this fresh at this hour of the day. The difference must be “the mindful eustressing”, practicing flow state. Impressed. Ask me again tomorrow — wait you don’t need to, I’ll write :P

  • Learning/Insights: learnt about “eustress” and it’s relation to goal setting. Expressing gratitude to origins of ideas, inspirations, makes one feel supercharged (and as I’ll mention in the chapter is an interesting way to keep track of qualitative value flows, which is being tested and analyzed in TEC through “dishing praise”).
  • Enjoyment/Inspiration: came up with “to-do-is-to-be list”, something that was marinating quite a while I think (h/t 0mega working group in TEC, Letty! and Laura from Pure who gave the “The way to do is to be” card in one of our sessions years back) and of course thanks to DurgaDas. But of course ideas are typically caught before many times. It’s about contextualizing and making things useful: Who is it for? What is it for?
  • Work/Performance: #note-to-self thinking about keeping track of progress towards goal also daily, but maybe that adds bad stress, and might block emergence at the end of the week #askDurgaDas. Put it all in a matrix (just to have an overview — have an idea that’s been fermenting: mix Kanban, with intention/goal 🎯, and Google Sprint — but now I’ll synthesize it with virtuous mini cylces!! Stay tuned for tomorrow!#emergence); cont’d $TOKEN Design Sesh 🖼️with️ DADA.art; more writing; update book’s gitcoin grant!, 😱 and Impact Pirates’ too!!, Webinar announcements 🦾 17th 7PM CET Chapter 3! Cryptoeconomics Patterns & Applications (with a sneak peak 👀 by Vasily); set up & share planning/coordination for this block for participants of Game Jam & TMG2 Co-creation.

