A simple numerical example for Kneser-Ney Smoothing [NLP]

Denny Ceccon
7 min readFeb 2, 2019


As I was working my way through a Natural Language Processing project, I came to the idea of Kneser-Ney Smoothing. I won’t get into the details here, but the thing is the main equation is pretty bad-looking. In order to make some sense of that, I searched for numerical examples, but, surprisingly, could find none. And I thought by now we could find anything online… “Well, why don’t I write my own?”, I figured.

(A few months later, I thought “Why not make it public, for other sufferers out there?” And here we are.)

It all starts with the Kneser-Ney Probability equation (as in here, eq. 4.35), a recursive formula that calculates the probability of a word given previous words, as based on a corpus:

Let’s call this Scary Function.

(You might notice some small changes in mathematical notation if you compare to the source material I linked, but I am using the above form because it seems to me to be the standardized notation.)

We start this example with an example text (from here):

exampleText = "Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what constitutes a paragraph. A paragraph is defined as “a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit”. Length and appearance do not determine whether a section in a paper is a paragraph. For instance, in some styles of writing, particularly journalistic styles, a paragraph can be just one sentence long. Ultimately, a paragraph is a sentence or group of sentences that support one main idea. In this handout, we will refer to this as the “controlling idea,” because it controls what happens in the rest of the paragraph."

After turning it into a corpus, tokenizing (punctuation removed, lowercased) and n-gramming (1, 2 and 3 n-grams), we get to the following tables:

# table1Gram:
ngram frequency
1: a 15
2: of 8
3: paragraph 8
4: in 6
5: is 6
72: because 1
73: it 1
74: controls 1
75: happens 1
76: rest 1
# table2Gram:
ngram frequency
1: a paragraph 7
2: paragraph is 4
3: is a 3
4: group of 3
5: a group 2
111: in the 1
112: the rest 1
113: rest of 1
114: of the 1
115: the paragraph 1

# table3Gram:
ngram frequency
1: a paragraph is 4
2: paragraph is a 2
3: a group of 2
4: group of sentences 2
5: paragraphs are the 1
113: happens in the 1
114: in the rest 1
115: the rest of 1
116: rest of the 1
117: of the paragraph 1

Now suppose we want to check the probabilities of the final words that succeed the string a paragraph in this corpus. Since we are talking about 3 words in total, we must find the matches in table3Gram:

                     ngram frequency
1: a paragraph is 4
2: a paragraph can 1

Both is and can can succeed a paragraph. Now our aim is to apply Scary Equation in order to calculate P_KN(is|a paragraph) and P_KN(can|a paragraph): that is what the left side of the equation means.

To proceed, let’s first decompose that gigantic equation into three parts I will call firstTerm , lambda and Pcont :

Let’s first turn aaaaaaall our attention to firstTerm. Things start quite rough, as that c_KN thingy is dependent on context. Here is its definition (from the source material again, eq. 4.36):

This will be the Count Equation.

Since we are at the moment dealing with the highest order n-gram, we will address only this case by now. Being so, the numerator in firstTerm means 1) the frequency (= count) of that full n-gram (= c_KN) minus a discount factor called d, or 2) zero, whatever is largest (max). According to the awesome material here and here, d is equal to 0 at the highest order n-gram. The denominator is the frequency of the string (the full n-gram devoid of the final word), which in this example is equal to the frequency of a paragraph *: the frequency of a paragraph is plus the frequency of a paragraph can. Therefore, for word is, firstTerm(is) = 4/(4+1) = 0.8 , and for word can, firstTerm(can) = 1/(4+1) = 0.2.

Now, lambda has a function of its own (as in here again, eq. 4.34):

Remember that in the highest order n-gram case, d = 0, then lambda = 0, but just for illustration, let’s examine the other components of the equation. According to the source material, the denominator in the fraction is the frequency of the semifinal word in the special case of a 2-gram, but in the recursion scheme we are developing, we should consider the whole string preceding the final word (well, for the 2-gram case, the semifinal word is the whole string). The term to the right of the fraction means the number (not the frequency) of different final word types succeeding the string; since in our case final words is and can succeed the string a paragraph, this number is 2. Notice that lambda is a function of the string, not of the final words, therefore it is the same for all final words. Therefore, here lambda = 0/(1+4)*2 = 0.

Then we get to Pcont, which stands for the continuation probability (I didn’t come up with that acronym from nothing). Referring again to the source material (eq. 4.32):

The numerator means the number of different string types preceding the final word, and the denominator means the number of different possible n-gram types (or, simply put, the length of the n-gram table we are considering at the time, which in this case is table3Gram).

The word is can be preceded by 3 different string types:

                ngram frequency
1: a paragraph is 4
2: a paper is 1
3: among sentences is 1

The word can is preceded by only 1 string type:

             ngram frequency
1: a paragraph can 1

Since table3Gram has 117 entries, Pcont(is) = 3/117 = 0.026 and Pcont(can) = 1/117 = 0.009.

Pulling it all together:

P(is|a paragraph) = 0.8 + 0 * 0.026 = 0.8
P(can|a paragraph) = 0.2 + 0 * 0.009 = 0.2

If we were to predict the next word after the string a paragraph, in this context, we would say it should be is, because its probability is highest (and equal to 80%).

Nice right? But you might (or rather should!) be asking, where is the recursion part? What is it for? Didn’t you forget something?

Well, if we cannot find a match in the highest order n-gram table (for example, there is no match in this corpus for the paragraph), then we drop down to the next lower order table, discarding the first word in the string. So we should search for paragraph starting an n-gram in table2Gram, which returns:

            ngram frequency
1: paragraph is 4
2: paragraphs are 1
3: paragraphs in 1
4: paragraph can 1

Then we repeat the whole process, but with two caveats.

One: Now we are considering the second condition in that Count Equation from firstTerm. In this case, c_KN is equal to the continuation count. The continuation count is defined as the number of different word types preceding the string we are considering at the time. In the case of the numerator in firstTerm, we are talking about the continuation count for the full n-gram (i-n+1 stands for the first word, and i stands for the last word; the way they are displayed in reference to w means all words from first to final). In the case of the denominator, that is simply the string (= all swords from first to second final). Since we are counting words preceding, at least, the full string (in the denominator; the numerator stands for the full string + the final word = the full n-gram), it just makes sense counting them in the immediately higher order n-gram table (because nothing precedes the string in the current order). From the example, let’s examine only the most frequent 2-gram, paragraph is.

For the numerator, we should check how many words types precede paragraph is:

            ngram frequency
1: a paragraph is 4

Only 1 word type, namely a. Then, c_KN(paragraph is) = 1.

For the denominator, we check how many word types precede paragraph:

                     ngram frequency
1: length a paragraph 1
2: sentences a paragraph 1
3: constitutes a paragraph 1
4: paragraph a paragraph 1
5: is a paragraph 1
6: styles a paragraph 1
7: ultimately a paragraph 1
8: of the paragraph 1

There are 8 word types, then c_KN(paragraph) = 8.

Two: Since we are not at the highest order n-gram anymore, we must set d to 0.75 (as recommended in the video previously mentioned).

Therefore, firstTerm(is|paragraph) = max(1-0.75, 0)/8 = 0.25/8 = 0.03125.

The rest of the process is the same, the same! lambda will now be different than 0, and the final probability will be slightly corrected upwards.

One last comment, or more like a curiosity: If we cannot find a corresponding match to our query and drop down all the way to table1Gram, then we have to consider that the string preceding the final word is empty, and that will make it equal for all n-grams in that table. If one succeeds in implementing a loop with the rules mentioned above, though, the loop will take care of this observation on its own.


