Introducing $TATR — a social liquidity mining token in the NFT art space

Collectibles, yield farming, liquidity mining, potatoes — what’s not to love?

Eric P. Rhodes


The Overview

TATR tech (Ŧ™), led by Second Realm, is launching an experimental protocol formulated at the intersection of decentralized art and decentralized finance.

NFT art collectors are incentivized to share art with other collectors. As a reward, people who successfully transfer and receive “the people’s potato” will earn $TATR tokens. This protocol is known as Social Liquidity Mining.

All revenues obtained from the sale of “the people’s potato” are directly reinvested into TATR tech and used to subsidize gas costs during distribution periods.

The Problem

Marketing around scarcity¹ in the decentralized art space has drummed up some really great publicity and helped strengthen the appeal of NFT collectibles.

However, not every collector can afford CryptoPunks or a Trevor Jones’ Picasso Bull. And the NFT space can have a high technical barrier to entry for artists. But decentralized art is so much more than just “rare” art and technical barriers. It’s a community of people.

Trashartists are challenging the establishment with their newfound understanding of technology, copyright, royalties, and provenance. Architects are creating amazing metaverses and digital worlds to play in. Artists and engineers are exploring the outer limits of VR and AI-generated art. And traditional artists are bringing their physical art into the digital space.

There’s so much more to explore beyond “rare” art and we want to shine a brighter light on this growing corner of the art world.

The long-term vision of “the people’s potato” has always been to onboard 1M people onto the NFT art ecosystem². The goal we’ve been striving for is at least one potato in 1 million wallets. As of this moment, there are only 15,526 spuds in 92 wallets. And through social liquidity mining, we can get to 1M wallets.

Enter $TATR

$TATR is a social currency that incentivizes the community to share art and teach others how to engage with the NFT art ecosystem.

Collectors are encouraged to buy multiple editions of “the people’s potato” for the wallet-friendly price of 0.0001 ETH (~USD 0.04) each and then gift them to other people.

$TATR rewards are then split 70/30 between those who share and those who receive the artwork. Ensuring that those who share art receive the bulk of the rewards. And further incentivizing new collectors to buy more potatoes and share.

However, to be eligible for $TATR rewards, collectors MUST share “the people’s potato” with a receiver’s wallet that never held one before.

Note: early adopters will be rewarded heavily as the individual reward distribution diminishes when more people are participating in the social liquidation mining process.

$TATR Distribution

Only a total of 10,000,000 (10 Million) $TATR will ever be minted.

Out of the total supply, 7,000,000 (7 Million) $TATR will be reserved for regular issuance and market-making over five years.

The pre-launch release of $TATR will be Ŧ500,000 for a retroactive issuance to purchasers of “the people’s potato” and supporters of SΞCONĐ RΞΛLM’s art.

The planned allocation of $TATR will be Ŧ1,500,000 (1.5 Million) at launch, with a regular market making release pace of Ŧ28,000 per week for the first year.

3,000,000 (3 Million) $TATR will be reserved for bootstrapping and partnership opportunities to increase the usability and utility of $TATR.

Disclaimer: We reserve a right to alter the social liquidity mining process and $TATR issuance to ensure that any attempts to disrupt the system can be handled appropriately.

$TATR Utility:

The value of $TATR will be increased through the ability to use it within the NFT economy:

  1. $TATR can be used to purchase NFTs and commissions from Second Realm
  2. $TATR can be used to purchase NFT’s from TATR tech partners (in progress).
  3. $TATR can be used to redeem exclusive swag like stickers and t-shirts (in progress).
  4. $TATR can be used to redeem customer experience consulting and design thinking services from Eric P. Rhodes (aka Second Realm).
  5. When we evolve into a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), all decisions will belong to the $TATR holders.

This is just the initial scope of $TATR utility, and we will continue to add new partners and experiences.

The Roadmap

April 2020: Social Currency R&D

July 2020: Mint “the people’s potato” NFT

August 2020: share the long-term vision of “the people’s potato.”

August 2020: $TATR contract creation

August 2020: TATR tech Twitter account activation

October 2020: pre-launch allocation to “the people’s potato” collectors

October 2020: launch “Introducing $TATR” article via Medium

October 2020: pre-launch allocation to collectors, supports, and collaborators of Second Realm

October 2020: launch TATR tech website

October 2020: Discord, Telegram, and Instagram account activation

November 2020: launch of “social liquidity mining” rewards distribution

Stay up to date

Follow TATR tech and Second Realm on Twitter to get the latest news.


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About Eric P. Rhodes

I’ve helped people connect with brands, products, and services in meaningful ways for two decades. I have an academic background in computer science and fine art. I currently run Second Realm (stylized as SΞCONĐ RΞΛLM), a digital art studio focused on creativity at the intersection of fine art and blockchain technology. Before entering the studio full-time, I led customer experience and service design efforts at Twitter and Google.


[1] We believe scarcity is an objective ideal in cryptocurrency economics attached to blockchain technologies like NFT and projected onto decentralized art specifically. And while we understand the economic levers, we do not subscribe to this “ideal” as artists or collectors.


