How To Get Old Tumblr Dashboard Back

2 min readJan 18, 2024


Hey there Tumblr enthusiasts! If you are searching for How To Get Old Tumblr Dashboard Back then your are at right place as If you’ve logged into your Tumblr recently, you might have noticed a little makeover in the dashboard.

Tumblr, in its ever-evolving nature, has decided to switch things up. The dashboard, the heart and soul of your Tumblr experience, has undergone a transformation.

The once familiar layout might now seem a bit different. Updates often aim to improve user experience, but change isn’t always everyone’s cup of tea.

If you find yourself missing the comfort of the old Tumblr dashboard, fear not! This guide is here to walk you through the steps of reverting to the classic layout you know and love.

A. Explanation of the User Dissatisfaction with the New Dashboard

Change is hard, especially when it comes to something as personal as your Tumblr dashboard. Users have expressed their dissatisfaction with the new look for various reasons.

Maybe the navigation feels clunkier, or perhaps some beloved features are now harder to find. Whatever the reasons, you’re not alone in feeling a bit nostalgic for the way things were.

It’s okay to miss the simplicity and familiarity of the old dashboard. Many Tumblr users share your sentiment, and that’s precisely why we’ve put together this guide.

We understand that sometimes, you just want things the way they were, and we’re here to help you achieve that.

B. Purpose of the Guide: Reverting to the Old Tumblr Dashboard

The purpose of this guide is crystal clear — we’re here to help you bring back the good old Tumblr dashboard vibes. Our goal is to provide you with easy-to-follow steps and options to revert to the classic layout.

We believe in giving you the freedom to customize your Tumblr experience based on what feels right for you.

So, whether you’re a seasoned Tumblr user missing the old times or a newcomer wanting to experience the charm of the classic dashboard, this guide has got you covered.

Let’s embark on this journey together and get that vintage Tumblr feel back into your blogging life!

How To Get Old Tumblr Dashboard Back

Here is our 8 best methods guide on How To Get Old Tumblr Dashboard Back.

1: Assess Your Current Dashboard

A. Familiarize Yourself with the New Dashboard Layout

Alright, let’s get cozy with the new digs. Take a moment to explore the revamped Tumblr dashboard. Click around, hover over icons, and get to know the updated features.

Familiarizing yourself with the changes is the first step in figuring out what’s working and what might need a tweak.

B. Identify Specific Elements You Dislike or Find Inconvenient

Now that you’ve given the new dashboard a spin, pinpoint the elements that aren’t quite hitting the mark for you.

Maybe it’s the rearranged buttons, the color scheme, or the way posts are displayed. Take note of what feels off or inconvenient — this will come in handy when customizing your Tumblr experience.

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