2016 Customer Service Highlights

Secret Eyes Everywhere
2 min readDec 28, 2016


By: Customer’s Poet

While 2016 marked a year of death for many including celebrities alike, it also marked a year of racial tensions. Considering this year is coming to an end, here are our thoughts, praises, and predictions about customer service for 2017.

Although January 1 marks Secret Eyes’ official birthday, there were a few occurrences this year we felt we missed out on or could have done better.

Like everyone else, I am a customer too. I shop online and in store for products, looking for the best deals. Yet, in my experiences I have noticed some of the things companies and customers do that hinder better customer service experiences. Recently, while doing some last-minute Christmas shopping, I noticed the way customer service reps spoke slowly, clearly, using a kind/cheerful tone, and thanking customers for their patience. While this was not the case for all stores, the reps at Kohls and Macy’s did the best they could despite the long wait lines and agitated moans of customers.

But there was one incident that occurred at Macy’s which made me wonder, how could this have been handled better?

A female customer became enraged after a customer (appeared to be skipping the checkout line) to ask a cashier for help. While the customer had a right to be angry, she took her frustrations out on the cashiers for taking so long, instead of the customer who appeared to be skipping the line. She vented her frustrations but nothing changed by her doing so. The only thing that changed was the cashier’s body language as she started to tremble immediately after it happened.

This Christmas season companies handled their customer service obligations better in terms of sales and shipping. Considering the past Black Friday sales of people fighting and even some dying just to get bargains; companies offered online as well as in store sales to decrease store traffic.

While delivery companies did their part to get gifts out quicker, some did not do the best job. After making an online purchase, I found myself wondering where my package was. I later discovered that UPS threw my package on to my balcony. A balcony which I have not used since moving into my new place. Yet, I was grateful the gift was not stolen.

Overall, 2016 was a year of consistency. While we’ve managed to help many customers, there were some things we could have done better here at Secret Eyes. Yet, next year we won’t disappoint. Expect to see great things from us.

We believe 2017 will be a year customer service will fight over bots verses human interaction. We believe customers will desire getting customer reps on the phone to deal with their issues.

As always be smart, be savvy, and equip.

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