Fast Food Worker Puts Her Menstrual Blood & Saliva on Customer’s Food

Secret Eyes Everywhere
2 min readJan 25, 2017


By: Customer’s Poet

As if fast-food could not get any more disgusting.

Sky Juliett Samuel ofColumbus, MS

A fast food worker by the name of Sky Juliett Samuel from Columbus, MS decided she was fed up with one customer and took matters into her own hands. According to, a co-worker claimed Samuel did the unthinkable and decided to put her menstrual blood and saliva on a customer’s cheeseburger before serving it to them. Now I understand as a woman that time of the month is no fun. But who does this?

Continuing the story, Samuel allegedly did the act on January 7th while working at Jack’s Family Restaurant. Yet, it was Samuel’s on mother who blasted her on Facebook the viral story led to police issuing a warrant for her arrest.

CEO of Jack’s Family Restaurants, Inc., Todd Bartmess, responded by stating “Food safety is our №1 priority and we are investigating this,…We want to talk to everybody involved, get their stories and find out what happened. We take these kinds of things very seriously.”

Samuel has since then turned herself in and faces up to 5 years in prison.

My question to Samuel: Was it really worth it?

As always be smart, be savvy, and equip.

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