The Top Seven Customer Service Stories of 2016 Countdown

Secret Eyes Everywhere
6 min readDec 14, 2016


Mark E. Ross and Sgt. David Robison

By: Customer’s Poet

The end of the year is near and these heart-felt stories of customer service excellence were a gift of gratitude shared by many. Every person listed share the 7 Virtues of Customer Service Difference Makers: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility. Here is our lucky seven countdown to some of the most heart-warming, viral customer service stories of the year and the individuals behind them.

7) Former Target Cashier Ishmael Gilbert

Tuesday, January 12th was like any other day for customer Sarah Bigler as she and her two young children went to the Target in Glendale, IN to grabbed a few things. Not realizing she went behind an elderly customer paying in all coins, Bigler became frustrated but quickly realized there was a lesson to be learned. She took to Facebook to post her experience.

The photo and story drew so much attention that Gilbert was offered a job at a local dialysis center. He currently works at “Fresenius Medical Care as a patient care technician and is working toward becoming a certified hemodialysis technician. The center is also paying for his education as he studies to become a registered nurse.” A beautiful ending to a beautiful story.

6) Safaricom attendant Pauline Shalimo

Pictures say a thousand words.

In this photo Shalimo did more than help a customer in need, she touched the hearts of customers alike. On Tuesday, October 25, Shalimo made it her business to provide disabled customer William Kisumo with the up-most customer service at the Safaricom Nakuru, Kenya shop, by kneeling to service him. Unknown to her, a passerby took a photo and posted it to social media. The photo, along with #Safaricomlady, earned her so much praise that the National Council for Persons with Disability Chairman David ole Sangok decided to pay her a visit. This act of customer service also led to her meeting with the company’s CEO Bob Collymore. Keep it up Pauline!

5) Old Navy employee Lora Jackson

Danyale Peterson arrived at the Warner Robbins, GA Old Navy, with her sleeping infant son Cole, but, his sleeping did not last long. As young Cole became hungry, his cry grew louder and Peterson began to make her way to the front of the store to leave. Little did she know, help was on the way. Lora Jackson, Old Navy employee, stopped the mom and exchanged her typical 30-minute lunch break to care for baby Cole as Peterson finished her shopping. She feed him, comforted him, and even gave him kisses.

But that was not all. Jackson walked with Baby Cole and Peterson to their car. She stayed until Cole was settled and Peterson finished loading the car. Talk about customer service.

4) John Goodlett of Enterprise Car Rental

Considering John Goodlett was a new hire to Enterprise at the time this occurred, his actions definitely earned him a rightful placed with the company.

After picking up customer Cody Vincent and her 11-month-old twin boys, Levy and Holt, from their home in Tulsa, OK; Goodlett continued to assist the mom. He helped the her and her sons get into the Enterprise Car Rental office. Even holding one son as he worked to process her car rental because she only had a stroller for one child. Stunned by Goodlett’s kind actions, Vincent took to social media to share her experience.

“While he helped me with my rental due to a hit and run accident, he held one of my twin sons as I don’t have a double stroller,” she wrote in the caption. “One of the most compassionate and caring people I’ve ever met. We need more people like John who go that extra step. Be a John. #BeAJohn”. A positive customer service experience that was shared over 24,600 leading to #BeAJohn setting social media by storm.

3) Capital One Customer Service Rep Tonya

What girl could not use a friend like this?

On Wednesday, September 14, Christina Grady’s credit card was shut off for suspicious activity when Capital One noticed furniture being sent to an address that was different from the mailing address on file. Unknowing to the company, Grady’s personal life was wrecked after her fiancé decided to break up with her, prompting her to move out.

After pouring her heart out and explaining her situation to a customer service Tonya, the rep’s words were “Girl, I am giving you 4,500 free miles. Go on vacation. Take so many pictures of yourself all happy and post them all over that Instagram.”

Yet, that was not all. Tonya went a step farther. She decided to send flowers to Grady’s previous home, prompting her ex-fiancé to respond with “Someone sent you flowers to my house.’ ‘Who would be so bold?”. After receiving the flowers, Grady read the card. They were sent from CSR Tonya of Capital One.

2) Pierce Dunn, Evan Freeman, and other employees of Dutch Brothers Coffee Shop

Prayer changes things. For one customer of Dutch Bros in Vancouver, WA, Alisha Wisbey, it’s exactly what she got.

On Friday, March 18th, Barbara Danner got into the drive thru line to grab a cup of morning joe and never thought she would witness this. Employees of Dutch Bros coming together to pray for a distraught customer. Overwhelmed by the emotional, touching moment, Danner snapped a photo and shared it on Facebook stating this:

“Turns out the young lady in line ahead of us lost her 37-year-old husband last night,” Danner said. “When the DB guys & gals noticed she was falling apart, they stopped everything and prayed with her for several minutes, invited her to come back for prayer and support, as well as anything else that she might need.”

This touching story has been viewed over 38 million times via Fox 12 News.

1) Police Sergeant David Robinson of the Ohio State Highway Patrol

Considering all of the allegations of police brutality against African Americans, this story made #1 on our list.

At 3 am, on Sunday, September 25th, Mark E. Ross received a devastating call that his fifteen-year-old sister had been killed in a car accident. Considering he had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant, Ross convinced a friend of his to drive there. However, his friend had a suspended license and they took the risk of speeding to get him back to his family in Detroit.

While in route the men were pulled over in Ohio by Sgt. David Robison. Ross says he experienced an emotional break down and explained to the officer, that his sister had died and he needed to get to his mother. Then the unthinkable happened. Sgt. David Robison decided to drive Ross another 100 miles to Detroit to be with his family because the vehicle had been towed.

Sgt. David Robison actions not only restored Ross’ faith in cops but an entire community belief in cops.

As always be smart, be savvy, and equip.

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