Judgemental Society And Its Effects

secret hope
6 min readAug 21, 2021


Photo by Mika Matin on Unsplash

In today’s world where technology paved all way through but we are as humans psychology is still antiquated.

We all have options for what I look like at school, University or workplace. We judge people position on things, views and appearance. Through society’s eyes, we see people with different nationalities and ethnicities, depending on the ability to interact with the people predominantly.

Despite all judgement, we all judge others it might be over a small-time like a colleague who takes too long of a time for the refreshment, or it gets worse issues, such as a person who behaves greedy or arrogant.

These judgments put a negative impact on people’s life because they have a nature to worry about things. What they are wearing is perfect or not and if they do not speak well what will other thinks.

Earl Nightingale: “When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself”.

There are some harsh lines about human nature, which are important to share.

A Human is a fascinating creature. He cannot see an animal in trouble, and the same condition with human is joyful for him. He can put the sheet of silk on the stone idol but for the man, he is like that beast who can lick the blood by scratching the human heart. He cares for his car and washes it every day and if a beggar stands near the car so he pushes the beggar to protect his car from getting dirty. A human can show his love for machines and animals but not towards humans.

Paulo Coelho:” We can never judge the lives of others because each person knows only their pain and renunciation. It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it’s another to think that yours is the only path. So judge less, accept more, and restore your happiness.

We should learn to accept people for who they are rather than changing them. Every person has a unique personality.

In how many ways do you judge others?

These are some events that show how much our society is judgmental, the world is full of these events.

  • Today’s weather was scorching. I noticed my old shoe torn. It made the route difficult for me to go home after school. How many times I notified my mother, but we were not able to buy new pair of shoes. I was passing through and as usual, stopped at a big shoes’ shop for few moments and I started to look inside from the glass door. Inside the shop, an employee was showing beautiful sandals to a woman.

I became lost in my thoughts. The employee came outside and started to speak in a contemptuous tone. “How many times have I told don’t stand near the glass door, look you made it dirty?”

Ever since childhood, I have only seen surprise and contempt in people’s eyes every time they see me.

Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash
  • It was a long and hard winter night when I was born. My grandmother had told me that at the time of my birth, my mother’s health had deteriorated due to the usual low diet. As a result, an emaciated, dark-skinned baby appeared. The rest of the siblings had better complexion than me. When my aunt saw me, she said, “Oh, to whom is this ugly child resemble?”
Photo by Mason Kimbarovsky on Unsplash
  • I had loved to watch movies since childhood. Even in my dreams, I had seen myself becoming the best actress. That is why I have never shown interest in education. And then when my dream came true and for me, it was the best day of my life. That day I received the Best Actress award. But despite all the hard work, people started to judge how an uneducated can become the best actress.

We judge others on their appearance, how they dress, their way of talk, and their education.

Charmaine J. Forde: “You never know what people are going through, because, each person you meet has a story to tell. So instead of being judgmental, just listen well.”

Society is a combination of people with different personalities. Everybody has a perspective of a good person. That makes things complicated because you as a person cannot adapt to the collective expectations of the whole society. Usually, a person judges another person on the first look basis which means without genuine observation.

Why you should stop judging others?

A judgmental society is not fruitful and it kills a person’s creativity. The judgment goes long way from who you voted for, who you want to talk to what you look like. And it is not bad everybody has the right to live according to his way but sometimes it is hurtful for someone.

Let’s look around in our society where a person cannot move around as per his will of dressing.

Even in marriages, you will find examples of judgmental tendencies. We marry having an idea of how is spouse to be, about her skin color, education, or family background.

Later start judging that person and try to change them to our liking. Many people are not comfortable to change and even if they do change, they are not convinced. This creates conflicts between the two and leads to a failed marriage.

This reminds me of a famous dialogue from Shakespeare’s play

“Things are not always as they seem the first appearance deceives many.”

Shakespeare’s famous quote;” all that glitters is not gold from the play”. The Merchant of Venice tries to convey that what we see may not be a reality, and appearance can be deceptive.

How does judgment affect a person?

Judgment harms your self-esteem. It can result in serious mental health issues and stress. Stress can weaken the immune system of your body. It causes high blood pressure, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and even stroke. In this condition, people start to feel ashamed of themselves. They prefer being alone and talk less, to not be the judge.

How can we become less judgmental?

  • Acknowledge you are a human and you can make blunders and you cannot control everything. Every man has a unique ability to perform different duties in this world. You do not need to change yourself to somehow be worthy. There are always things you can improve upon, make better. Get yourself out of all the negative and irrelevant thoughts. A heartbroken person is useless to others.
  • Open-mindedness and tolerance are the ability to being respectful. it is accepting of styles, values, and rules that are different from your own. Your empathy and connectedness with others play a crucial role in positive dynamics.
  • Confidence is important to survive in this society.

Michelle Obama; “Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.”

  • There is a neurodevelopmental disorder Asperger syndrome, in which people observed difficulties with social and communication skills. Their behavior and thinking patterns can be rigid and repetitive.

Albert Einstein said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

  • A mind filled with negative thoughts cannot accept goodness, but if we try, we can find good about the person.
  • There are specific goals for everyone, for what they come here. It may be distinct from our desire and aim. So focus on your genuine skills, it will be hard to accept first then it will become your preference.

We are not perfect nor will ever be, but sooner or later we realize that we are captious and finding faults in others. This carping behaviour may affect our lives drastically.



secret hope

I write about society, culture, history, science, motivation and happiness.