Introducing Secret for Work

A private Secret for your company

Secret Den


Update: If your company has a private space setup or you’re not sure, simply visit<your-domain-name> (e.g.,

The magic of Secret was created by applying anonymity to your network. This combination creates genuine conversations that you wouldn’t have anywhere else online, and the result has inspired us to let you bring this experience to more of your networks, beyond only people in your contacts.

That’s why we’re creating a new way to share on Secret. Secret for Work brings a new layer to your Secret stream, giving you a private, company-specific space to share anything you’re thinking —kept within the walls of your workplace.

Our invite-only pilot follows an experiment at Secret HQ, where the 16 of us can share anything and everything we want — just with our team. After enjoying our inside jokes, updates and secrets in our private space over the last month, we’re confident that any company will love having one of its own.

Here are some examples:

This pilot begins with a small group of companies for now, but we will look to make Secret for Work available to more companies soon. If you’re interested in creating a space of your own, we’d love to hear from you at

How do I post to just my company?
When you write your secret, you’ll have the ability to choose where to post it: Either to your friends or to your company.

How do I know when a Secret has come from my company?
You will see your company name in the bottom left-hand corner of the Secret.

Are secrets here visible to anyone else?
Nope. These secrets are visible exclusively to people that are part of your company, and nobody else.

How will I know who else in my organization is in our private space?
That’s a secret, but we’ll tell you how many people.

Can I remove someone?
Yes. Simply go to your account page and select “Remove” in the Secret for Work section. They will receive a notification that you removed them. Anyone in the domain can remove anyone else.

How do I create a space for my company?
Right now, Secret for Work is invite-only. If you’re interested in getting one set up for your company, send us an email at and we’ll be in touch.

You should follow us on Twitter at



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