Find Out How You Can Celebrate Pride With A Week’s Worth Of Events!

Secret Media Network
Secret Los Angeles
Published in
1 min readJun 3, 2019

Get ready for a colorful week in Los Angeles!

Being proud is a full-time affair, but if there was any time to celebrate above-and-beyond the scale of your everyday gig — now’s the time! The city of Los Angeles attracts a crowd of 400,000 revelers annually for a vibrant celebration, otherwise known as the Los Angeles Pride Festival! The world’s first permitted parade advocating for gay rights was organized in 1970 by the Christopher Street West Association, a year after the Stonewall uprising in New York City. Since then, Pride has amassed a rich history as a powerful voice for the LGBTQ+ community across the Greater Los Angeles metropolitan area.

Beginning on the first of June and rallying into the weekend for the final Parade Day on June 9, Angelenos can paint the town in rainbow colors while enjoying a series of events, music festivals, and festive commemorations! Whether this is your first Pride or your 50th, we’ve composed a list of the celebratory gatherings happening in town that you might want to check out…

Originally published at Secret Los Angeles.



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Secret Los Angeles

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