How to Buy Secret NFTs on Stashh (Guide)

Secret Network
6 min readMay 17, 2022


Secret NFTs are non-fungible tokens with programmable privacy features including private metadata and private ownership. This gives creators full control over their work and the opportunity to get more creative than ever, while protecting NFT collectors from hackers and scammers.

Currently, the easiest way to experience Secret NFTs is by jumping onto Secret’s primary NFT marketplace: Stashh. In this guide, we’ll cover how to buy and sell your own Secret NFTs on Stashh.

What we’ll cover in this guide:

How to buy a Secret NFT

Step 1: Go to the Stashh website

To get started, head over to the Stashh homepage.

Step 2: Select “Marketplace”

Click on “Marketplace” displayed at the top. In this section you can browse NFTs by applying filters, selecting specific collections, and setting price ranges.

Once you’ve found an NFT you like, click on it. This will take you to a menu where you can preview the NFT and its features, including:

  • Collection — HDMusic
  • NFT number
  • Price (sSCRT, USD)
  • Created by
  • Artist
  • Token type

Step 3: Make sure you have enough sSCRT

In the NFT overview you’ll also find the price, which you’ll have to pay in sSCRT. Note: you can also pay in SCRT—Stashh will automatically convert your SCRT into sSCRT. You’ll also need some SCRT to pay for gas fees on the network.

  • To get SCRT, head over to the Get SCRT page to find the best option for you
  • You can also port over your assets from Ethereum or BSC using, which you can exchange for sSCRT in the ‘swap’ section of Sienna Network

Step 4: Buy the NFT!

Once you have enough sSCRT in your wallet and your convinced this is the NFT you want, all that’s left is to click ‘Buy now’.

When you do so, you’ll see this announcement to authenticate and to continue you have to click on “Create Permit and Authenticate”. The next step will be to approve the transaction at zero cost.

Once authenticated, you’ll receive this:

After successful purchasing the NFT, you’ll receive this announcement:

Step 5: Verify your ownership

To view your new acquisition, go to “Dashboard” under your profile icon.

Once there, look for the collection to which the NFT you purchased belongs in the ‘Choose a collection’ section.

Before we can view the NFT, we need to create a permit that acts like a virtual signature and verifies this NFT is your rightful property.

Now, your NFT will finally show up in your dashboard, where you can view the collection and any private metadata that’s inside.

Congratulations, you just bought your first Secret NFT on Stashh!

How to sell a Secret NFT

At some point, you might decide to sell your Secret NFT again. Thanks to the Stashh user experience, the process of selling is as easy as buying.

Step 1: Configure the sale

When you select and click on your NFT you’ll see a menu presenting its characteristics, as well as a menu that provides you with options to set the conditions for selling your NFT.

The price of your NFT depends on many variables and the final decision is up to you. Once you decided upon a decent selling price, place it in the “I want to sell for” box. Once you enter the amount, you’ll see what you’ll earn if you sell the NFT after subtracting royalties and the sales fee.

You can also add a description to give potential buyers more information about the NFT you’re selling.

Step 2: Approve the transaction to finalize the sale

After deciding how you’re gonna sell your NFT, you just need to click “List for sale” and pay a bit of SCRT for gas. The notification looks like this:

After that, you’ll get a confirmation that your NFT has been listed in the marketplace.

To finally verify that your NFT is listed, click on ‘Marketplace’ to check if it’s there. Make sure to filter on the right collection (in this case: HDMusic).

How to bid on a Secret NFT

A new way to interact and buy secret NFTs is through an auction. Here, an initial price is set, after which interested buyers can place a bid. Once the auction is over, the person who places the highest bid gets the NFT.

Step 1: Place a bid

The initial price of this NFT is 3 SCRT. So if you want to obtain this Secret NFT, you’ll need to place a higher offer. Let’s offer 3.1 SCRT here.

As soon as you add a bid the auction will automatically be extended by 15 minutes to encourage users to keep adding bids.

Step 2: Enable permissions

The auction ends once there’s no one else placing higher bids, and you finally get to own that Secret NFT.

After the auction ends, you’ll see a notification in the upper corner confirming you’re now the new owner.

It’s important to enable permissions so that you can view your Secret NFT. One way to do so is to go to your “Dashboard”, which you can find in your profile section (just click on the user icon in the top-right corner). Once here, click on “Add collection” to finally enable permissions. This is how you can finally see your most recent NFT obtained by auction.

Now you’re ready to use Stashh!

As you’ve seen, Stashh provides a super easy and intuitive way to buy and sell Secret NFTs. Stashh is being continuously improved and more features are being added according to the roadmap.

If you want to take the next step, be sure to visit the official site, and for further support visit their Discord.

For more detailed information on what’s possible with Secret NFTs, check out our article on Secret NFTs.



Secret Network

The Data Privacy Platform For Web3 — build and use blockchain applications that are both permissionless and privacy-preserving.