Naked and i was surprise spotted

Mostly Naked
2 min readSep 29, 2022


I’ve mentioned before on my naked adventures how i’ve been spotted and even had conversations all the while me usually naked — usually however I see the people coming or they see me so I can suss out whether they’ll likely be hostile to me being nude.

This time however none of that happened, you see I was walking naked through the forest following this trail that maybe a tractor or logging machine goes down every now and then, i’d been naked walking for maybe 40 minutes in the autumn sunshine and see and heard no one — it was glorious…

You can see the track I was walking down and literally the two cyclists came straight up to me, following the track, saw me naked, slowed and they both said morning, I smiled said morning back and was aware they’d stopped maybe 5 yards past me….

can we just ask, why are you naked

I always get asked that, I just like it, I’m nude not rude and I enjoy naked walking’ I did cast a glance down at my tackle and nothing to show…

oh we can see that’ one of the cyclists said….

I don’t know why but i felt strangely confident and ok in their presence, no need to cover or put clothes on, so I was already facing them and I just held my arms out…

I hope you’re ok and I don’t offend, i’m just out for a naked walk

oh dont be silly, we can see that’ said the cyclist ‘ and quite frankly its rather nice to see, anyway have a good day

and just like that off they both cycled away chattering to themselves.

I turned around and carried on walking, i’d just been surprised by two cyclists who were perfectly ok with a naked man walking through the forest.

So what would you do if you came across me walking naked in the forest, would you stop for a chat, a smile and an exchange of pleasantries?



Mostly Naked

I like being naked whenever I get the opportunity and these are just a few of my naked adventures.