Naked and seen by my neighbour

Mostly Naked
2 min readOct 5, 2022


I live in a typical UK house with a nice garden but I'm overlooked, that is if you’re looking. Now this has never bothered me, indeed when it’s warm i’m often naked outside and my garden is no exception, catching some glorious sunshine, topping up my vitamin D is surely good for me.

I knew that I could be seen but have never thought much about it until, yes you’ve guessed it my neighbour was having a new fence put up in his garden and I overheard him casually say when told by the workman that his garden catches alot of the sun, my neighbour said

yes i often see my neighbour naked in his

now I was in my shed at the time, clothed I would add (it was a weekend) and very much listening for what was said next…

what, you’ve seen your neighbour naked in his garden, really’ said the work man…

yes, he’s often out naked, its no big deal’ said my neighbour…

So then of course your brain begins to question, lots of things…

that means he’s seen me nude and isnt offended

that means he’s seen me nude and likes perving… etc etc….

and so it went on, my crazy brain coming up with all sorts of strange ideas.

That is until a few days of non nudity later I just thought fuck it, naked it is and guess what i’m now back to full nude whenever I can and if i’m casually seen then so be it.

Surely live and let live is the way to be isn't it?

What do you think, should I be more ‘careful’ or just carry on…?



Mostly Naked

I like being naked whenever I get the opportunity and these are just a few of my naked adventures.