The Courage to Move On

Secret Sanskrit
2 min readJan 1, 2023
  • poem: must read!

The breakup was tough,

It left me feeling rough,

But I knew I had to find,

The courage to move on, and not rewind.

It wasn’t easy,

To let go of what was,

But I knew I had to try,

To find my own bliss.

So I took some time,

To grieve and process,

To sit with my pain,

And let go of the excess.

I reached out to friends,

For support and love,

I found activities,

That helped me rise above.

I practiced self-care,

And nourished my soul,

I found meaning and purpose,

And a new sense of whole.

And slowly but surely,

The pain began to fade,

I found the strength to heal,

And a new path to wade.

But the hardest part,

Was taking that first step,

To move on and let go,

And not let my past eclipse,

My future and my potential,

For happiness and love.

So I gathered my courage,

And I took a deep breath,

I let go of the past,

And embraced the unknown path.

And even though it’s scary,

To face the world alone,

I know I have the courage,

To make a life of my own.

So if you’re going through,

A tough breakup or heartache,

Remember that you have,

The courage to move on and make,

A new and brighter future,

For yourself to seize.

