Week in OSINT #2019–17

Week in OSINT
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2019

A special — Just covering publicly accessible regional data sets on several topics

Good morning! And welcome to a little special for Week in OSINT. I usually cover all kinds of topics in my news letter, but while scouring for some interesting links last week I found way too many nice data sets, so why not make it a special? So here it is, most of it was prepared a week in advance, so I can take a little break this week 🤓

Data: General Open Data

US Data Sets

Last week I already covered the Twitter bot for traffic violations and early 2019 I already covered the cadastral data set of New York City. But there is more, so much more! Because it isn’t just the city of New York that has opened their set of traffic violations to the public. By searching the internet for more information, I found that the US government has a nice overview of all the public data sets out there! Well, that will keep you busy for a while…

Data! Data everywhere!

Link: https://opendata.cityofnewyork.us/

Link: https://catalog.data.gov/dataset

Open UK Data

Did I hear you say the US is not ‘you’re cup of tea’? Yeah, see what I did there? Anyway… Yes, the UK also has their own government overview with data sets that are open to the public.

Link: https://data.gov.uk/

Open EU Data

Since the UK wants to leave the EU… Okay, I’ll stop the joking! Yep, also a list of data sets for Europe. This one is smaller than the one from the UK and already has over 1000 discontinued data sets. Well, that doesn’t look promising, but I’m including it here anyway! Oh, they also have a visualisation sandbox where you can try out some of their tools to graph any data set you have!

Link: https://data.europa.eu/

Open Africa Data

Of course Africa has their own data set. Currently 75 organisations share their data here, from conflicts to media and from agricultural data to the global terrorism database.

Link: https://africaopendata.org/

Open Australian Data

Of course we can’t leave out Australia, so here is the portal of the government in regard to their set of information. From refugees to controlled substances reports of the South Australia police force, it is all there!

Link: https://data.gov.au/search

Other Country Data Sets

While Googling around a bit more to find some interesting data sets for Asian countries, I as a bit at a loss… But diving a bit deeper into some other links, I found the Knoema World Data Atlas and this must be the one-stop-candy-shop for some people!

Link: https://knoema.com/atlas

Data: EU Sanctions Map

Data set with info on any kind of sanctions by the EU or the UN.

Link: https://sanctionsmap.eu

Date: Terrorism Data Sets

Global Terrorism Database

It is such a shame that this important project uses Adobe Flash to show the results <feels a bit sick> but with over 180,000 terrorist attacks, this is one database we can’t leave out of this news letter!

Link: https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/


But where there is one site, there are others too of course. So here we have the data of the RAND Database of Worldwide Terrorism Incidents with lots of news, reports and a (broken) search form for their terrorism database.

Link: https://www.rand.org/nsrd/projects/terrorism-incidents.html

Link to download if data: https://www.rand.org/nsrd/projects/terrorism-incidents/download.html

Systemic Peace

The INSCR published an annual report on several different data sets in regard to wars, regimes and states and conflicts. So to end this special weekly news letter, here is a link to the carefully selected information.

Link: https://www.systemicpeace.org/inscrdata.html

Have a good week and have a good search!



Week in OSINT

Just a shadowy nerd… Busy with InfoSec, geolocation and OSINT (archived articles only, Week in OSINT can be found on https://sector035.nl)