Feb 10, 2024


In fact most people/tribes/nations who living in Levant/Kanaan,they are hybrid Europeans/Semits.

Since long time ago Israel People (Bani Israel) War On Filistine/Palestine for the land.

David (Daud AS) vs Goliath (Jaluth).

We should take sides with Civilians from two sides (Palestine and Israel) who wanted peace.

Well Arabs have versus that almost similiar/chese and crackers with Zionism,it's called Pan Arab (under Bathisme Ideology),they treats Kurds almost similiar with Zionist Regime treats Palestine.

Too many interests in Levant/Kanaan/Syam that involvings US,Russia,China/PRC,France,Qatar,Emirat Arab,Saudia Arabia,Israel,Syria,Iran,Egypt,Jordan,Turkey.

They have self interest,in War/Conflict Palestine vs Israel.

They are Wave Riders.

The situation is tend in the Grey.

If you wacht The Sopranos or Breaking Bad,you would to know the situation is similiar with Levant/Kanaan/Syam curentlly.




Wi'n siarad llei yn Indonesian Malayig,Saesneg,Gymraeg.