3 min readNov 10, 2021


If you have ever conceived the idea of constructing a building especially for commercial use, you need all the information you can get as to how the process is been carried out in order to avoid problems for you and occupants of the bulding. There are various procedures to be carried out in order to buid a solid structure with no faults. Construction is divided into two stages, the pre-construction stage and the construction stage itself, every action carried out during this process would determine how good the building wil be, it is important to pay attention to every step and do your due dilligence as a developer.


The first step in the construction process is a BUILDING PLAN which is the most inportant aspect of building construction. When you about to commence a mega project such as constructing a building, a building plan is vital. No builder can begin construction without this.

Next is the BUDGET ESTIMATION a building estimator is given this building plan and goes ahead to estimate the cost of completing the building project. It is important to not begin a building project without adequate cash supply, if there is any financial limitation, sourcing funds from financial institutions is the best option for a developer.

Where the building will be erected is the next stage LAND ACQUISITION, this is an essiential part of the construction process, when acquiring a land it is important to put several factors into consideration i.e building size, location and so on will determine the situable land for purchse before construction commences.

The final aspect of the pre-construction stage is DOCUMENTATION, this is an important aspect of every transaction especially in real estate. Before starting construction secure authority’s permission and get registered. The document showing the transfer/purchase of the acquired piece of land should be obtained signed by the transferor and legal authorities in your local area. The essiential documents includes: land survey report, land soil test report, land purchase/transfer document, architecture drawing, structural report,e.t.c


Now it is time to begin the physical part of constructing a building, before construction begins it is important to clear the designated land for construction so it would not obstruct the construction process which is called SITE CLEARING.The land area meant for constructing a particular building is called “site”.

Every properly constructed building must have a FOUNDATION, it is the first stage of building where the building meets the earth at the bottom. It is the part of the building that is not visible but the effect is seen as it carries the structure. It is the most crucial part of the building structure as other parts of the building relys on the foundatio strength for support. The quality should not be toiled with.

Though the foundation has been laid, it is important to add extra reinforcement called the PLINT BEAM AND SLAB which is added to the top of the foundation. It prevents the foundation from getting damp and cracks from reaching the wall.

The SUPERSTRUCTURE provides extra support for the beam and slab, the superstructures include the column which is designed to strengthen the load placed upon the foundation of the building.

The next stage is BRICKLAYING, this is were the visbile part of the building is constructed. Concrete blocks and fly ash bricks are used according to the structure laid down by the architect in the building plan.

After the erection of the wall, the LINTEL is mounted on top of the wall, it is a beam placed aross the door and window openings. it serves as a support for , the structure placed above it.

The ROOFING structure is supported by the lintel. At this point the building has began to take shape gradually and a clear picture of what the building will look like becomes visible.

The next stage is interior fixtures, the ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING, wires and pipes are hidden from sight in modern homes, they are installed at the stage of building construction and were hidden between the walls and slabs. The plastering work commences after electrical and plumbing work has been done.

The last stage is the FLOOR WORK, this is when the construction is rounding up, floor work starts after the interior and exterior fixtures are done. Finally we have PAINTING, it helps to beautify the building and protect it from water and sun. Latex paints are highly recommended as they are water resistant.




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