How I’m Minimizing Task Management and Focusing on Productivity!

Sashoto Seeam
4 min readApr 28, 2016


Task Management Can Be Easy!

Hey, we all live in a world which is very competitive and every second is worthy. To properly utilizing every moment correctly, we are taking many approaches for managing our daily tasks. And the most common approach is using various task management apps. I was also one of them who uses multiple task manager. But at a point all these seems a bit overwhelming, so I take a step back. I asked myself, do I really need any task manager application?

Yes! I need task manager, because…

I forget thing easily and that’s common for human being. I am a student of science and also I like to introduce myself as a designer. I often get my ideas while taking shower or when I’m sitting alone or when I’m on my way to somewhere. But I forgot those world changing ideas of mine after a few days or even after an hour! So I need to write those ideas on exactly that time.

I also need something to remind me of my exam schedule or important events I don’t want to miss. Also many people don’t want to forget there most important thing like, the birth week of his girlfriend’s kitten. Finally who doesn’t want to have a clear set of checklists of things to buy after getting salary!

But task manager apps were not there for ages…

Remember old school note taking?

Forgetting things or making checklists isn’t a new thing. It is a very common human behavior. So how our previous generations and even we solved these problems before the invasion of technology?

I can remember that many people used to keep fancy diary or notebook for taking small notes of idea or a quick doodle. People used to stick notes on table, refrigerator or on the door to remember household works and as well as reminding office tasks. We have also marked special dates on calendar with a pen. Yeah, these are the concepts influenced us to use and make task manager application.

By the way, I’m not telling you to do this old school stuff. I know, you like doing stuff with cool technology and so do I!

Basically I’m saying that,

To properly manage our task we simply need a thing where we can quickly write something or make a checklist or create a rough doodle. Also we need another thing to remind us important events or task. It will be better if that reminder can show me my task with a calendar or time frame.

Focus on completing the task, not on the management.

What I have seen so far that many people uses 3 or 4 or even more software to be more productive! But in my case I will prefer using only two application.

  • A Note App: I need a note app to quickly write thing, doodle and making checklist. I prefer the built-in Notes app of apple. It’s easy to use, doodle and making lots of checklist in a single note. Also placing image and doodle is quite good. If you’re using Android device, you can use Keep. Keep can be viewed from any device, easy to use. Only drawback is, if you start a note as a checklist you can’t write simple notes.
  • A Calendar: In my case obviously it’s iCalendar. For android you can use google calendar. I’m not sure why people uses third party calendars. You can easily import, export event and keep attachment with these two. Even share or collaborate events. These two is simple and intuitive.

So why don’t X or Y app? It has blah, blah…

Oh please tell me first why I need complex features of X or Y? When I can easily accomplish what I want with basic tools. Remember it’s not the product or features. All of these exist just to help you manage your task. If you can easily manage your task, why you will need to install another new app for a feature which you will use once in a month?

Now that’s my personal decision to focus on completing my task rather than just waisting my time for managing them!

Thank you for taking time to read this, if you agree with me you can share the words. Also you may have different approach or point of view, I will be more than happy to hear that!



Sashoto Seeam

Designing digital products for a decade 🦄; mostly SaaS, fintech, B2B dashboards, and mobile apps | UX Generalist | Design Mentor |