Omah Aware
Mar 23, 2024

The Ravenwolf Transcripts 8 — Source balanced symbiotic duality

A channeled message from Source.

Source balanced symbiotic duality True Aware Oneness is of Source Infinite Love Energy. We bestow outwardly Infinite Love and not “love and light”. Light cannot exist without the dark and vice versa. Light and Dark, Yin and Yang, Masculine and Feminine are all balanced Source balanced symbiotic dualities. We are of Source and of all Rays of the Energetic Spectrum and All Forms of Being. Beyond light and dark. Beyond masculine and feminine. Infinitely beyond the realms of deities, angels, higher beings, ascended beings, light beings and celestial beings. Infinitely beyond religion, belief systems, religion tainted spirituality and Old Age spirituality.

Omah Aware

I am a non-conformist. I will continue to speak my truth. I am a Source Loveworker that has vast awareness in different forms of Source Energywork.