How to Create MyEtherWallet and Log-in

3 min readAug 2, 2018


Many coins are developed based on ERC20 of the Etherium, and therefore it is essential to create My Ether Wallet (MEW).

SEED is also based on ERC20 and therefore requires usage of Etherium Wallet that supports it.

The topic today is how to create an Etherium Wallet, MyEtherWallet(MEW), required to participate in sales.

How to Create the Wallet

1. Enter MyEtherWallet Website.

Please enter the MyEtherWallet Website and follow the instructions below.

2. Enter Password

After entering the website and enter a password like in the picture you see below.

* To prevent hacking, we recommend passwords which are over ten characters that include, small letters, capital letters, numbers and special characters.

After entering the password, click on the [Create New Wallet] button below.

3. Save the Encrypted Key

Once you create the wallet, the Keystore file like you see below will appear. Click on the [Download Keystore File] button and save the encrypted key on your PC. After that, when the [I Understand. Continue] button appears, click and move to the next page.

4. Save the Private Key

All the procedures are finished, and the Private Key will appear like in the image below.

You need your password, private Key (#1), and the saved Keystore file (#2) to access your wallet so do not lose them or be hacked. It is recommended you store them offline or store them in a storage device safely.

How to Log-in

Proceed with the log-in using the created password, private key and the downloaded Keystore file.

There are two types of Log-in: Password Entry Type, and Direct Entry Type.

  • Password Entry Type

The Password Entry Type uses the Keysotre file. Click on the button #1 to load your Keystore file, enter the password in area #2, and click on the [Unlock] button to log in.

  • Direct Entry Type

In Direct Entry Type, you can enter the created private key in area #1 and click on [Unlock] button to log in.

Log In Complete

This is how it looks after log in is completed.

‘Your Address’ you see on the top-left corner is your MyEtherWallet address.

‘The Account Balance’ is the Etherium balance that you possess.

Until now, we have explored about how to register for ERC20 based wallet, MyEtherWallet, and how to log in.

I hope to see you again next time with more useful and helpful information.


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