Introducing SEEDDEX

3 min readFeb 4, 2019


The no. 1 decentralized exchange of Asia

The Fundamentals

Anyone who has planted a seed and watched it grow from a sapling to a mature tree can attest to the fact that it is one of the most satisfying things you can witness, especially if you are involved in its life cycle and growing process. It can be a journey of ups and downs, with both good and bad years of growth, but if you look after your seed and treat it well, you will surely reap the rewards.

Now let’s take this notion and apply it to the vast and complex world of cryptocurrencies. Let’s say you are a beginner setting out on your journey to make your first trade. You want to take your investment, and watch it come to fruition, right? Where do you start? How do you know what exchanges to use to get the best deals? And what’s the differences between them?

It may seem daunting at first, but once you know where to start you can build up your online profile from there. In this article we will explain some of the basic things you should know about cryptocurrency trading and why we at SEEDDEX believe that our decentralized exchange is the best place for you to start your online trading venture.

Where to Begin?

If you’re a newbie to the cryptoverse, you’re probably wondering, what is the difference between a centralized exchange (CEX) and a decentralized exchange (DEX). For those that are more of a dab hand at crypto trading, maybe you’ve already tried out some centralized cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase and Binance, and now you’re looking to branch out further.

To put it simply, CEX operates on the basis of having a third party involved in all transactions, and they require KYC (Know Your Customer). This means that you must register private personal information with the third party in order for them to complete transactions on your behalf. DEX requires no private registration and there is no middle man. All transactions that are made through DEX are peer-to-peer (P2P), which at the end of the day was the essence of cryptocurrencies primary objective.

This is where SEEDDEX come in. We are a DEX that is Fast, Simple, and Secure. Our decentralized exchange makes it so you can make trades P2P without ever having to entrust your digital assets to a third-party service. As has been seen time and time again over the past several years, such third-party services can be hacked or implode into oblivion, losing users’ investments. There is no risk of any of that with SEEDDEX.

Watch it Grow

So, remember that seed you just planted? To make it grow you will need to water and fertilize it regularly. The same goes for your crypto investments. You will need to keep a constant eye on the market to make sure you are always up to speed with the latest values of coins and tokens.

The SEEDDEX website makes it more user-friendly than ever to do so. You can track all of your transactions in real time, plus there is a complete history of all the orders you have completed. What’s more, over the past two years we have designed our own algorithm known as SEEDECON, which guarantees more privacy and safety while trading than any of our current competitors.

We would like to let you know that right now, we are kind of an underdog in the marketplace, but we won’t let this deter us. Our goal is to become one of the most successful DEX operators in the year 2019. We have a large dedicated team of experienced traders and programmers who have worked hard to bring to you what you now see at SEEDDEX.

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The no.1 decentralized ethereum asset exchange of Asia