What is basic formula of Excel?

2 min readAug 30, 2023

The basic formula structure in Excel consists of an equals sign (=) followed by an expression or calculation. For instance, you can use Excel to add two numbers together using the basic formula:

=A1 + B1

In this formula, A1 and B1 are cell references, pointing to the cells where the numbers you want to add are located. You can replace these cell references with actual numbers, like:

=5 + 7

This will display the result of the calculation (12) in the cell where you enter the formula.

Excel also supports other arithmetic operations like subtraction, multiplication, and division using the following symbols:

Subtraction: -

Multiplication: *

Division: /

Here are examples of these basic arithmetic operations:

Subtraction: =A1 — B1

Multiplication: =A1 * B1

Division: =A1 / B1

You can combine these operations and cell references to create more complex calculations.

Furthermore, Excel provides a wide range of built-in functions for more advanced calculations, such as SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, and many others. These functions can be used to manipulate data and perform various types of analyses.

Remember that formulas in Excel are case-insensitive, so you can use uppercase or lowercase letters for functions and cell references. Always start a formula with an equals sign to let Excel know that you’re entering a calculation.

