Paul McCartney Crafts New Beatles Song Using Artificial Intelligence

2 min readSep 6, 2023

Legendary musician Sir Paul McCartney has collaborated with an artificial intelligence (AI) tool to create a brand new Beatles-inspired song, revealing it to fans this week.

The new song is titled “Just Fun” and was crafted using technology from the AI startup Anthropic. It was fed over two dozen Beatles songs to learn their unique musical style.

McCartney fine-tuned the track over a series of interactions with the AI, providing feedback to steer it towards the melody, lyrics and arrangement he envisioned. The result blends original lyrics written by McCartney himself with instrumental backing crafted by the AI.

In an interview, McCartney said he was amazed by the AI’s ability to produce a song “in the style of the Beatles.” He called the experience “mind-blowing” and said it opened up new creative possibilities.

While not intended as an official new Beatles single, McCartney said he had great fun working in this way and found it liberating to collaborate simply “with John, George and Ringo” once again.

The 79-year-old singer-songwriter has dabbled with AI co-writing before, working with another startup on a Christmas tune in 2020. But this is the first time he has used the technology to mimic and build upon the iconic Beatles’ sound.

Music critics have noted traces of the band’s 1969 classic “Here Comes The Sun” in the melody and called the track “intriguing”. While not flawless, many praised the AI for successfully channeling the Beatles’ distinctive musical energy.

McCartney said this taste of AI composition has left him keen to explore the technology further. With rapid progress in AI capabilities, perhaps tools like Anthropic’s could open doors for fresh creativity for artists of all kinds in the future.

This fun experiment shows that artificial intelligence is now advanced enough to help conjure the musical genius of even legendary groups like The Beatles. And for McCartney, it provided one more chance to jam with his old bandmates using cutting-edge technology.

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