Busting the “Dad Bod” in 15 minutes

Chris Lau
2 min readJan 2, 2016


I’m Chris. I was a regular at the gym for 17 years, until 6 months ago…when my daughter was born. Meet Willa Lau — my new most adorable thing in the universe =)

Willa playing while I’m passed out.

Before I was no ironman, but I was proud to bench 225lbs and run a mile in 6min 30sec. Now, I haven’t been to the gym once since Willa was born. Those stats feel very far away; meanwhile the bowl of chocolates in the living room is always within arms reach.

Working out feels impossible as a new dad. There’s no time. We’re sleep deprived and exhausted. Besides babies, what else will make you deliriously happy while simultaneously destroying your healthy lifestyle? Cocaine?

How can a new dad get fit?

Forget about resolving to “work out more in 2016.” We know that won’t last past Wednesday Jan 6th, when we trudge home from a long workday in time to help with the hour long bedtime routine. Let’s make it specific and simple.

“I resolve to workout 15 minutes a day.”

Come hell or high water. Every. Damn. Day. Here’s why I will carve out 15 precious minutes a day. I need to:

  1. Stay healthy for 50 good years with my family.
  2. Have more energy.
  3. Bonus round: Make my wife’s pulse quicken a smidgen when I take off my shirt (because Willa spat up milk on it)

Can we succeed with 15 minutes of exercise a day?

I don’t know, but let’s find out together. I’ll post my workout every day. Follow along, or do your own program. Post comments on how it went. I’ll share my progress and frustration. I’m optimistic. Let’s prove we can beat “dad bod” with only 15 minutes a day.

Here are the ground rules for my experiment in efficient fitness:

  • 15 minutes or less per day
  • No boring workouts
  • Build muscles as well as cardio fitness
  • No equipment
  • No nutrition plan (I’ll eat like usual. Because the last thing I need to worry about is my meal plan, in addition to the baby’s.)

Hopefully you find this helpful and work out along with me. Please say hello if you do.

This is tomorrow’s Workout of the Day

Do each exercise for 60 seconds.

  • Mountain climbers (vid)
  • Jump squats (vid)
  • Standing long jumps forward to end of room. Small jumps backward to starting point.
  • Donkey kicks (vid)
  • Alternating lunges (vid)
  • X jumps (vid)
  • Rest 60 seconds, then repeat the above sequence

13 min total time. This will kick my ass. Push faster if it’s easy for you, and go slower if it’s too hard. Be sweating hard on the floor when you’re done!



Chris Lau

Following my inner nerd. Co-founded @UpWordNotes and @Unsplurge