Toe Fungus Treatment

Seema Biswas
2 min readSep 18, 2018


Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a common condition that affects many people. It typically begins as a white or yellow spot underneath the nail. However, if the fungus grows, it can cause more painful symptoms and can also cause the nails to thicken. Nail fungus symptoms can include thickened nails, whitish to yellow-brown discoloration, brittle, crumbly, or ragged nails, distortion in shape, and a slightly foul smell coming from the nails.

Toe fungus can occur at any age, but it is more common as people get older. As the toenail ages, it can become brittle and dry which is what allows the fungi to enter the nail. If this spreads between the toes and skin, it is known as athlete’s foot. Toenail fungus can cause athlete’s foot and vice versa. However, it is uncommon for one person to transmit toe fungus to another.

Increased risk factors for toenail fungus include being older in age, sweating heavily, history of athlete’s foot, walking barefoot in damp areas, having a minor nail injury or skin problem, and/or having diabetes, circulation problems, or a weakened immune system.

It is always important to see a foot doctor if the symptoms of toenail fungus are occurring. This is of high importance in diabetics as diabetics typically have reduced blood circulation and nerve supply in the feet. Diabetics are also at higher risk of cellulitis (bacterial skin infection). Therefore, any kind of injury to a diabetic’s foot should be immediately shown to a foot doctor for proper treatment.

There are many ways to help prevent toenail fungus. This includes washing the feet regularly as well as moisturizing the nails, trimming and filing the toenails, wearing sweat absorbing socks/changing socks throughout the day, choosing breathable shoes, discarding old shoes, wearing shoes in locker rooms/other communal damp areas, not wearing nail polish, and only going to nail salons that sterilize the manicure/pedicure tools for each customer.

While there are home remedies for eliminating toe fungus, it is highly recommended to see a foot doctor for proper toe fungus treatment.

