Making Your Dreams Come True: Three Strategies

Sefla Fuhrman
3 min readDec 13, 2022


Dreaming big is admirable, but there are steps you need take to make your aspirations a reality. You’ll need a practical strategy and the ability to overcome obstacles, for instance. Furthermore, you should not rush things and instead work diligently to achieve your objectives.

You can’t reach your goals if you’re too scared to try. A lack of motivation might also keep you from learning new things and reaching for the stars. You may conquer your worries by following these simple guidelines.

Locating the origin of your worries is the initial step. The inability to attempt new things is often the result of earlier experiences that left you feeling unsafe. Talking to a professional or looking for online support groups might help you figure out why you’re so anxious.

The second phase is to identify specific measures you may do to alleviate your worry. Consider checking out a workshop geared at entrepreneurs or a local arts and crafts market. You can also seek guidance from an experienced person to assist you in resolving the issue at hand.

One of the most prevalent causes of depression is an individual’s own internal struggles. You may feel ashamed and shut off from others as a result. It’s also linked to feelings of hopelessness, inferiority, and apathy. The good news is that it is possible to improve your mental health and overcome an inner struggle.

Recognizing an inner struggle is the first step toward resolution. Having the ability to explain your difficulties is also important. You can use this information to figure out a solution.

Your actions and interactions with others might be negatively impacted by inner turmoil. The underlying problems it may be covering up are not less important. Ignoring it might lead to serious disappointment later on.

The origin of an emotional rift is frequently rooted in worry. If you’re afraid of failing, you might never reach your goals. Learning to name your concerns is the first step in alleviating them.

Being a perfectionist might be detrimental to your personal and professional success. Negative emotions and behaviors, such as mistrust in one’s own abilities and withdrawal from others, may result from this disorder. It may even have a detrimental effect on one’s physical health. Recognizing and seeking assistance for perfectionism is crucial.

A perfectionist is too hard on themselves. They may take several hours to do a task because they want to do it perfectly. Also, when an experiment doesn’t work out, they may be quite hard on themselves. They may have a hard time even taking pleasure in the success of others.

Keep in mind that striving for perfection is not beneficial. Trying to achieve perfection to an unhealthy degree can lead to anxiety, irritation, and depression. The point is not only to improve, but to do something.

It’s possible to reap a number of positive outcomes if you take your time in reaching your objectives. The time and money you save can be put to better use elsewhere. Do not be hesitant to take some time to consider your motivations and where your focus needs to be.

Writing things down is an excellent first step. Make a plan of action to ensure you stay on track. The trick is to give yourself adequate time to do everything. Dedicate a certain amount of time each week to your chosen occupation.

If you wish to get certified, for instance, you may do it at a fraction of the normal cost. Changing your regular habits or putting off improvements are two options for saving money.

You will encounter many obstacles on your path to success. You just need to figure out how to handle them. Taking use of them can lead to greater achievements.

It’s important to think about what went wrong after a setback. Understanding what led to this predicament and what you can do about it can help you move ahead. You may learn from this experience and be more prepared for future challenges as a result.

There’s a podcast episode dedicated to drawing wisdom from one’s failures. Self-compassion and deliberate thought are two key coping strategies that can help you get back on your feet after a setback. You can outsource tasks to others and think of potential other ways forward.

Negative experiences can plant the seeds of uncertainty and fear. Keeping a positive outlook on things will assist. Changing one’s perspective begins with taking action toward better circumstances.



Sefla Fuhrman

Growing up, Sefla Fuhrman always knew that she wanted to spend her life helping people. This was evident early, even during her secondary education years.