What to wear for a passport photo

5 min readOct 6, 2023


what to wear for a passport photo

If you are planning to apply for a new passport or renew your old one, you might be wondering what to wear for your passport photo.

Passport photos are not just ordinary pictures.

They have to meet certain requirements set by the U.S. Department of State.

Your passport photo is an important part of your identity document, so you want to make sure it looks good and professional.

In this blog post, we will give you some tips and advice on what to wear and what to avoid for your passport photo in USA.

Passport Photo Clothing: Dos and Don’ts

There is no specific dress code for passport photos in USA, but there are some general guidelines that you should follow.

Here are some dos and don’ts for your passport photo clothing:

Do wear casual clothes that you normally wear on a daily basis.

  1. You don’t have to dress up or wear formal attire for your passport photo. Just choose something that reflects your natural and everyday look.
  2. Do wear darker colors that contrast with the white or off-white background of the photo.
  3. Avoid wearing white or light-colored clothes that might blend with the background and cause the “floating head” effect.
  4. Choose solid colors or simple patterns that are not too distracting.
    Do wear simple accessories that are not too visible or shiny2.
  5. You can wear small earrings, necklaces, or hair clips, as long as they don’t cover your face or cast shadows or glares on the photo.
  6. Avoid wearing large or dangling jewelry, sunglasses, hats, scarves, or headphones.

Don’t wear uniforms or camouflage clothing.

  1. These are not allowed for passport photos, as they might imply an official endorsement or affiliation.
  2. You should also avoid wearing clothing with logos, slogans, or symbols that might be offensive or controversial.
  3. Don’t wear glasses, unless they are medically necessary!
  4. If you need to wear glasses for your vision, you must provide a signed doctor’s statement along with your passport application.
  5. You must also make sure that your glasses do not obscure your eyes or create reflections or shadows on the photo.
  6. Don’t wear head coverings, unless they are worn for religious or medical reasons1.
  7. If you wear a head covering for your faith or health condition, you must ensure that it does not cover any part of your face or hairline.
  8. You must also provide a signed statement explaining the reason for wearing the head covering.

How to Pose for Your Passport Photo

Besides choosing the right clothing, you also need to pay attention to how you pose for your passport photo.

Here are some tips on how to pose correctly:

Face the camera directly with your full face in view

  1. Do not tilt your head or turn your shoulders.
  2. Keep your eyes open and look straight ahead.
  3. Your face should be centered and fill about 60% to 80% of the photo area.

Have a neutral facial expression with both eyes open and mouth closed

  1. Do not smile, frown, grimace, or make any other facial expressions. Keep your facial muscles relaxed and natural.
    Keep your hair away from your face and eyes
  2. You can style your hair as you normally do, but make sure it does not cover any part of your face or obscure your features.
  3. You can use hair clips or pins to secure your hair if needed.
  4. Remove any piercings or tattoos that might be visible on your face
  5. These might interfere with the recognition of your facial features by biometric scanners.
  6. You can cover them with makeup if they are small and discreet.

How to Take Your Passport Photo

You can take your passport photo yourself or have someone else take it for you.

You can use a digital camera, a smartphone, or a tablet, as long as it produces high-quality images.

You can also use a passport photo app like [Passport Photo Booth] or [Passport Photo Maker] that can help you take and edit your photo according to the official requirements.

Here are some steps on how to take your passport photo:

Find a suitable place with good lighting and a plain background.

  1. You can use a white wall, a sheet, or a poster board as the background.
  2. Avoid using backgrounds that have patterns, textures, colors, or shadows.
  3. Make sure the place has enough natural or artificial light that illuminates your face evenly and does not create harsh shadows or glares.

Set up your camera at eye level and about 4 feet away from you

  1. You can use a tripod, a stand, or a friend to hold the camera for you. Do not use a selfie stick or hold the camera yourself, as this might distort your face or change the angle of the photo.
    Check your appearance and clothing before taking the photo
  2. Make sure you follow the dos and don’ts for your passport photo clothing and pose. Adjust your hair, accessories, or glasses if needed. Remove any items that might interfere with the photo, such as headphones, masks, or chewing gum.

Take several photos and choose the best one

  1. You can use the timer function or the voice command feature on your camera or app to take the photo.
  2. Try to keep still and maintain your pose and expression until the photo is taken. Take several shots and review them on your screen.
  3. Choose the one that meets all the requirements and shows your face clearly and accurately.

How to Print or Submit Your Passport Photo

  1. Once you have taken your passport photo, you need to print it or submit it online with your passport application.

Here are some tips on how to do that:

Crop and resize your photo according to the specifications

  1. Your passport photo must be 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm) in size, with your head between 1 and 1 3/8 inches (25 and 35 mm) from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head.
  2. You can use a passport photo app or an online tool like [Passport Photo Online] to crop and resize your photo automatically.
  3. Print your photo on high-quality photo paper
  4. 1. You can print your photo at home using a color printer, or you can use a photo service like [Walgreens], [CVS], or [Walmart] to print it for you.
  5. Make sure your photo is printed in color, with no holes, creases, or smudges.
  6. The paper should be thin and glossy or matte, but not too shiny.
    Submit your photo online or by mail with your passport application1.
  7. You can submit your passport application online through the [Department of State website] if you are renewing your passport and meet certain criteria.
  8. You can upload your digital photo file along with your application form and payment.
  9. Alternatively, you can mail your passport application along with a printed photo and other supporting documents to the address provided on the form.


Taking a passport photo might seem like a simple task, but it requires some preparation and attention to detail.

By following these tips and advice on what to wear and how to pose for your passport photo in USA, you can ensure that your photo meets all the requirements and shows your true identity.

Remember that your passport photo is valid for 10 years, so you want it to look good and professional.

I hope this blog post was helpful for you.

If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.

Thank you for reading!

