Your most missing plugins/packages for Flutter

Kevin Segaud
4 min readApr 25, 2019


Last week we did a survey to know what plugins/packages you miss the most in the Flutter world.

The plugins part of the survey !

Autofill :

Sadly autofill support in TextField can’t be done by a plugin it should be added to Flutter directly.

There is lot of issue for it so if you want to know how the Flutter team progress on this you should follow these issues :

Objectbox or realm plugins :

You will probably need to wait until ffi is stabilized. To follow how ffi progress you can check this project on github.

In App Purchase and AdMob finish the official ones please

We can’t speak for package maintainer but here are some search that maybe can help.

A plugin that gets the Unique Device Identifier. The current ones don’t work.

If a package should support a feature and it doesn’t, please fill an issue.

It seems package:device_info should support it.

There is an open PR for android so to follow the progress it’s here.

Support for long running tasks on iOS and Android

I’m not sure what long running tasks is but Flutter support background tasks that can stay alive when your app is closed for more information please read this.

Background wrapper around WorkManager for Android

For background task follow the link above.

AWS sdk, AWS amplify

It seems there is some package for aws (see but maybe not what you are looking for. So you can wait the community or create it yourself.

Better hardware support like Bluetooth

For bluetooth there is package:flutter_blue if it doesn’t cover your case, please open an issue.

Encrypted local storage

For some of you that are a little bit adventurous we are working on something for this part called crypted_preferences it’s a crypted key/value localstorage we are working on it the key/value localstorage is working right now and we are adding the encryption part as soon as our libsodium.dart is ready to do it.

Background geolocation

For background geolocation you can follow the example here.

Stripe payment package

On pub there is a lot of plugin related to stripe. One great way to improve plugins is to give feedback to the creator.

JW Player

There is no package covering jw player specifically but there is some package for playing video like package:video_player.

Google live (not static) map polyline

package:google_maps_flutter seems to get this feature recently.

Flavors like in android build gradle

Android and iOs flavor are already there. Checkout

Common stylesheet at app level

In Flutter you can theme you entire application based on a Theme.

You can checkout this page for more information

3D Support. E.g Three.dart -> OpenGL

There is no such plugins right now but there is some plugin to show 3d object like the package:flutter_3d_obj or another to do some augmented reality app package:arkit_plugin.

The packages part of the survey

dart library for crypto

In the dart crypto world there is not much package that right but maybe you don’t know some of these.

The more simple is the one provided by the dart team package:crypto it can do easy hash.

An other one is package:pointycastle it has more functionality than the crypto package.

On flutter you can use package:flutter_sodium that is a wrap of the libsodium c library

If you feel really adventurous you can give a try of libsodium.dart, you will need to be on the dev branch of Flutter or the dev version of Dart, this version use the preview of ffi so expect some breaking change until the ffi is stabilized.

ScrollMagic / Scrollorama / ScrollWizard

Nothing for this as far as I know maybe someone in the community can come up with something.

A good svg loader if something is not working with this package open an issues there i’m sure the maintainer will be happy to fix it.

ES256 JWT authentication in dart

As always open an issues on a package that already support jwt to ask for support here are a list of package that possibly match

iOS music player, playlist search, etc

For the player there is some but not all are working on ios

There is one with a little limitation.

package:assets_audio_player can play file in from assets but that is pretty limited if you need to load audio from somewhere else.

Else there is package:audio_service that can play song when your screen is off.

And package:stereo who can play song on android and ios.

I hope all this will help you all.

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