Şeyda Taşkaya
4 min readMar 21, 2024

What is Personal Development?
Personal development is efforts that involve improving any aspect of the self outside of routines, or personal qualities, skills, and even the roles we belong to (spouse, child, sibling, etc.). In short, it is the desire to improve ourselves in all areas of life. It is also very important as it expresses the process of developing our knowledge, career or personality through these efforts.

What are the Benefits of Personal Development?
It opens new doors.
It increases your self-confidence.
It supports you in reaching your best version.

Let's take a look at 10 strategic approaches now;

1. List your goals and desires - Goal Oriented
Being goal-oriented is an important strategy to move forward in life and realize your desires. It is ideal to set goals that are challenging yet attainable.
If your challenging goals push you out of your comfort zone, you can witness that you will make tremendous progress.

2. Set small goals on the journey to your goal - Gradual Pacing
There are no quick and easy methods in personal development. It will be good for you to specialize in one step first. Once you are comfortable, you can move on to the next step.

In this journey, you should try to progress step by step by dividing big goals into small goals. Once you start tackling these smaller individual goals, you'll feel more confident and motivated.

3. Get a partner - Accountability
It might be a good idea to team up with someone who is pursuing similar or common goals. As you move towards a common goal, you can share your advice and motivation throughout the journey, encourage each other and experience the happiness of reaching the final together.

4. Strategize against the obstacles you may encounter - Planned Obstacles
Like every journey, the journey of personal development is full of obstacles. You should prepare yourself for obstacles, identify possible problems you may encounter and develop different strategies to overcome them. You should keep in mind that things will not always go as planned. You must be ready to change and adapt at any time.
Learning to embrace difficulties and failures is a great virtue.

5. Acknowledge, celebrate and appreciate your achievements - Rewards
Personal development techniques not only benefit from improving yourself, but also include some reward elements. You should take time to acknowledge, celebrate and appreciate your achievements, no matter how big or small. Celebrating success is a great way to boost your self-confidence and inspire yourself to achieve more meaningful goals.

6. Go the tried and tested route that works – Evidence Based
Personal development practices include objective research and evidence-based studies. It is a good idea to move forward with training that is fast and gives immediate results. As it is known, evidence-based techniques are always likely to yield results. Additionally, in the process of achieving what you aim for, meeting with leaders who have gone through similar paths before and achieved their ideals can motivate you.

7. Choose your own unique way of working - Personalized
Every person has their own unique mind codes and everyone has different expectations from life. What is effective for someone else may not be effective for you. That's why uniform work in personal development does not lead everyone to the same result.

8. Gain awareness about yourself for development or improvement - Self-Awareness
If you are not working with a life coach, it is inevitable that you will need to develop a strategy for your development journey. If you don't have any self-awareness to develop or improve, it will be difficult for you. Having self-awareness allows you to forgive and forget past failures.

9. Make plans to achieve the goals you set - Action Planned
All the work you do to improve yourself provides you with concrete action plans to achieve your ideals. Just setting goals is not enough; If you don't have a plan to achieve your goals, you will stagnate. Life coaches are an ideal solution to help you develop an action plan.

10. Establish a development strategy based on positive psychology - An Optimistic Mindset
The healthiest method to improve yourself is to adopt a positive approach. If you want to achieve an optimistic mindset, you should choose a development strategy based on positive psychology. Making affirmations by paying attention to the thoughts that cross your mind is an effective way to gain an optimistic perspective in your life.

Remember; The mindset you adopt throughout your life will have a huge impact on what you achieve.