Fast Food Addiction- A new reality in this growing world

Sejal Agrawal
4 min readJul 28, 2023


Fast food is one of the biggest growing market in the world right now. The consumption of fast food keeps on increasing day by day and it’s kinda now the necessity everyone needs and can’t live without. In this growing world for the need for fast food and to fulfill the cravings one get is also on a rapid growth.

When someone hears the word ‘addiction’ they often think of stuff like drugs, alcohol or gaming etc which are only know addiction people can think of. But that is not the only kind of addiction. There is also something called as Fast Food Addiction which also comes under the whole spectrum of addiction.

I know, how fast food can be addictive? I mean major of the population in the world consumes fast food on the daily bases and it is something that is easy affordable and has a great taste, right?

I totally agree but deep dark truth about the reality that we live in is that addiction can happen to anyone for anything. So, is the concept of Fast Food Addiction. It is hard to believe that someone can be addictive to fast food but it is true and how alcohol or drug addiction affects a person life so does fast food addiction.

Now, one will belive that it only happens to person with a low willpower but it is the not the fact. It’s kinda more complex and hard concept to understand but let’s break it in a simpler way.

When the brain needs certain kind of simulation which is only fulfilled or satisfied by certain things, in this case it’s fast food or so called junk food. In the situation of the fast food addiction, junk food as drugs or alcohol for a person and the need to consume increases everyday.

Continuous eating helps to reduce the pain, stress or forget about things which they can’t cope with and eating fast food every single time helps to reduce the stress.

I know this is hard to believe and accept, but understanding that fast food consumption is also a thing and also have major drawbacks which affects a person’s life. Cravings are one the example of the symptoms of any addiction. In this case, the need to eat more and more fast food to satisfy the drives a person grows and grows.

The first step someone can take is accepting and acknowledging the fact that they are addicted to fast food. The first step is always hard but if one can pass this step then you can pass other steps too. The second step can be asking for help from the officials who can understand and help one overcome this addiction.

As any other addiction affects a person’s life so does fast food. Everyday functions become hards and it becomes difficult to function when the withdrawal process starts. The world in which we are living today which capitalises the basic human needs like food, the growth of fast food addiction is something which is bound to happen.

The major problem is that, people are not ready to accept that there is something called fast food addiction. It becomes hard to grasp the fact that junk food, which everyone consumes literally every day can lead to health problems along with psychological problems.

Another major concern is that The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th version, does not classify Fast Food Addiction as a addiction and thus there are not much resources or not well informed information for the ways to fight fast food addiction or even how psychologist can help people with fast food addiction.

The fact the this addiction is not only among the teenagers or the kids but also among the old age people and people on in their late 40s. The fact that anyone from any age can can have this addiction is the majore concerns which people to understand.

This article is a part of my internship at Krsh welfare foundation.

