Seka Conny
2 min readMay 30, 2024


Not So Truly Yours (The Harder They Fall, #4) By Julia Wolf

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A Sweet Deception

The first time I encountered Miles Aldrich, he committed an act of utter delicious thievery — he stole my cupcakes. It was a bold move, one that left me utterly bewildered and slightly impressed.

The second time our paths crossed, I was armed and ready. This time, I handed him a bill. A bill for the stolen cupcakes, no less. After all, the man was a billionaire; he could afford to indulge his sweet tooth fairly. He could certainly afford to pay his debts.

The third encounter, however, took the cake, pun intended. I strode into his office, a woman on a mission, seeking his expertise for my fledgling business plan. Little did I know, I would walk out with a completely different proposition — a fake boyfriend.

Miles, ever the shrewd businessman, laid out his plan with confident simplicity. He would lend me his family name, a name that held significant weight in the business world, by becoming my pretend plus-one. In return, I would gain access to influential circles, and he, well, he would have a convenient excuse for his perpetually single status. It was a win-win situation, or so he claimed.

And so began our summer charade. For three glorious months, Miles Aldrich, in all his billionaire glory, would be, in a manner of speaking, mine. But as the days melted into weeks, I discovered that the man behind the perfectly tailored suits and charming smiles was a far cry from the aloof tycoon I had imagined.

Miles was sunshine personified, wrapped in a tall, impossibly handsome package. His laughter was infectious, his presence a warm comfort. And his kisses, oh, his kisses were something else entirely. He kissed me with a fervor that suggested his very existence depended on it, leaving me breathless and wanting more.

Logically, I knew our relationship was a carefully constructed illusion. It was a business arrangement, a mutually beneficial agreement, nothing more. But the heart, as they say, rarely listens to reason.

The problem, my delightful, complicated problem, was that the feelings Miles evoked in me were anything but fake. They were real, raw, and utterly terrifying in their intensity. I was falling for my fake boyfriend, and I had a sinking suspicion that I was in way over my head.

Fake dating
Golden retriever boyfriend/black cat girlfriend
Found family



Seka Conny

Here are a few bios under 160 characters you can adapt:**Short & Sweet*** Living life one adventure at a time. 🌎✈️* Spreading kindness and good vibes. ✨😊