Different types in SEO

2 min readMar 18, 2023


Factor #1. Content

The main rule: your content must fully match the search query that the user enters. If this is not the case, the person will close the site; search algorithms will consider the action as a bounce. And pages with a high bounce rate rank worse.

Remember that the site’s content is one indicator of your professionalism. If it is frankly bad, in the eyes of a potential client, you will also look unprofessional. Therefore, saving on texts, especially jurisprudence, is not worth it.

Keywords are an important part of SEO services. They should be harmoniously inscribed in the overall narrative, not look foreign. But you should understand that good SEO text is not only the correct work with keywords. There are a few more important points:

  • use of headings H1, H2, H3, etc.;
  • It is desirable to have lists, tables, and graphs. Need a readable text structure;
  • the use of not only SEO keywords but also auxiliary LSI words and phrases;
  • admissible parameters of spamming and water. This affects readability.

To write texts for the site, you should look for a copywriter with experience in this niche, ideally, if he has a specialized education. One who is ready to delve into the topic and not write superficial articles with general information from the Internet is also suitable.

Factor #2. Backlinks (link mass)

As mentioned, the more authoritative resources linking to your site, the better. Each such link is a kind of vote in your favor. But there is a nuance here. The voice is also bad. Mass purchase of eternal or temporary links on exchanges is simple but not always effective. There is a risk of building up a low-quality link mass, which will only worsen the position of the site.

Placement on local, thematic resources works very well:

  • in legal reference books;
  • in local directories (for example, Google My Business);
  • in social networks;
  • in reviews on review sites.

To increase the link mass, you can go in different ways, including offering barter services for local media and regularly writing interesting articles on the blog that other users will share on the Web.

Factor #3. Technical SEO

The technical component is very important. An Unoptimized website will never rank in the top search results. Among the key requirements of SEO optimization we can name the following:

  • exclusion of internal technical errors;
  • correct robots.txt and sitemap.xml;
  • no duplicate pages, broken links and unnecessary redirects;
  • CNC setting (human-understandable URLs);
  • adaptive design with the correct layout;
  • high page loading speed from different devices;
  • thoughtful structure and user-friendly interface.

Technical SEO optimization is one of the most difficult stages of promoting a legal website. And in it, inexperienced specialists most often make mistakes. Therefore, approach the choice of a contractor with maximum responsibility, discuss a strategy, request real cases, and only after that make a decision on cooperation.

