Why is it essential for my business to have a trusted SEO consultant? What can SEO do for my business?

3 min readMar 18, 2023


Well, if you have read the above and come this far, I think you can already understand ​​the importance of SEO for your business.

The only possibility to appear in the google search engine is in two ways:

  • SEM (paid advertising)
  • SEO (organic positioning).

With SEM we have to create campaigns in Google Ads and pay for our ads to be activated for the search words that we have selected.

The more keywords, the more times our ad will be printed in the google search.

In SEM, we pay Google for the clicks that users make on our ads and depending on the sector, these costs per click can be very high, with figures above 10$ per click.

Think that this cost you pay is for the user to reach your Landing Page or destination page. If this landing page is not well optimized, likely, the user will quickly leave your page without making the conversion you are looking for. So you will be wasting your investment and money.

SEO is oriented towards optimizing your website both for google, for search purposes, and for giving a clear answer to the satisfactory user.

For this reason, if you have invested in SEO, even if you also invest in SEM, your investment in advertising has a much higher probability of conversion.

SEO services guide and SEM complement each other perfectly since, for those keywords with the worst position, complementing them with an SEM advertising campaign can be very profitable.

Finally, to finish seeing the enormous importance of having your expert SEO consultant, think that the positioning obtained is FREE. Therefore, you will not pay anything to google for that web positioning.

Functions of the SEO consultant What main tasks does he come to perform?

When I start with a new client the first step is to identify the starting point where we are.

To identify this starting point, conducting an SEO audit of the client’s website is essential.

In a Google Positioning Consultancy, among many other variables are analyzed :

  • Analysis of keywords currently positioned.
  • Source of web traffic.
  • Website architecture structure.
  • How the content of the different pages that make up the web is structured.
  • Website loading speed.
  • Crawl errors.
  • Internal and external linking (Link Building)
  • Comparison with main competitors.

Once the audit is done, we will have a photograph of the current SEO situation.

With this prior analysis, it is time to define the strategy to follow, bearing in mind that each case requires a personalized strategy based on your short, medium and long-term objectives; and the available investment budget.

It must be made clear that SEO is not a job with a forecast based on the short term.

The results of today’s work usually bear fruit in the medium and long term, although this will depend a lot on the sector and the level of competition.

SEO requires constant work, so web optimization work is continuous.

It is our job as SEO must be attentive to:

  • Possible fluctuations may be an indication of losing positions in the google search.
  • Monitor what actions the competition is taking.
  • New opportunities for relevant keywords to position
  • Plan and generate new content (content optimization)
  • Establish a proper Link Building strategy (generating incoming links) and a good internal web link.

After the audit comes to the action plan, which is the stage where most changes are made on the web, but SEO does not end after implementing these changes.

