Tee-Tee Sekoni
2 min readMay 8, 2024


Happiness. Is it subjective?

Thoughts about what truly makes people happy have been coming more often these days. What determines one's happiness? Some people swear they were 'once' happy.. others live each day, hoping to have a daily dose of joy and that is it.

Can we then say happiness is subjective?
Subjective - Adj* knowledge as conditioned by personal mental state.

What this means is that you are the ONLY person who can determine what and who makes you happy.
In my 3-decade on earth, I have seen ranges of what humans see as happiness. An actor winning her/his first award would say “Today is the happiest day of my life”...does that mean their happiness before that day was not genuine, more like fake?
Older women giving out their first daughter's hand in marriage often say the same and I sometimes wonder if each time they see their unmarried daughter(s), they are unhappy.

Interestingly, I have observed how people have mastered how to translate 'things' and 'situations' into happiness.

Yea, those are in quotes because most of these people are not even 100% sure about their source of happiness. Women, for instance, hope and believe marriage will be a source of happiness to them. You see it on their faces and in their actions.
There are others who see their source of happiness in wealth. Some in children, material things,....etc

Maybe, just maybe, happiness is subjective.

Well, a co-founder in one of his articles said he was asked...see the question and the response below...



Tee-Tee Sekoni

From personal experience(s) to product management to random thoughts, i write as my mood dictates 🥂