What Is Vero? The Overnight Instagram-Killer, Explained for Non-Teenagers

Sick of Instagram’s algorithm? People are flocking to this competitor.

3 min readFeb 28, 2018

By Madison Malone Kircher

The App Store is littered with the ghosts of “It” apps past. Ello. Peach. Sarahah. This week, there’s a new contender on the block: Vero. Launched in 2015, Vero is blowing up right now. Why, you ask? Great question.

What is Vero?

Vero is a little bit Facebook, but without the ads. It’s a little bit Instagram, but without the algorithm. It’s a little bit YouTube, but without the Paul Brothers. And it’s a little bit Twitter, but without the Nazis. (Though just give it some time on that last one.) You can share pictures, text, videos, and pretty much any other content your heart desires. Vero touts itself as an “authentic” social-media platform. The name, Vero, means truth in Esperanto.

Wait, it’s been around since 2015? Why is it blowing up this week?

Sadly, there’s no satisfying answer. Most likely, it’s some combination of everybody getting fed up with Instagram’s annoying algorithmically sorted feed, and network effects (one person converts a bunch of friends who also have a bunch of friends). But…




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