3 Tips To Soothe Teething Babies Gums

Select Dental
2 min readJan 8, 2019

As a Torrance dentist, it is our job to let every parent know that a child’s teeth are important to take care of even before they hit the surface of their gums.

The process of babies or infants growing teeth for the first time is most commonly known as “teething”. Whether you are a potential or new parent, it is important for you to be aware of this process as your baby will surely go through emotional changes in this stage.


Most babies begin the process of teething at around 6 months. However, every baby is different and some begin sooner rather than later and vice versa. During this period, your child may begin to do one or more of the following:

  1. Drool
  2. Fever
  3. Swollen gums

They may also experience a mood change. Infants tend to become more irritable and cranky throughout the teething process as their gums are extra sensitive and they have no other way of expressing their emotions.

Our Torrance dentist has 3 tips for parents who are seeking a way to help their baby through the teething process:

1. Coldness on the Gums

Your baby’s gums will be sore and may be inflamed during this time. Make sure to provide them with relief through means of either feeding them chilled foods or holding a cold washcloth against their gums. This will help the swelling go down and provide them with temporary relief.

2. Hard Foods

You may notice that through the teething stages, your baby will want to chew on anything and everything. If they are already eating solid foods, try giving your child hard foods to chew on (with adult supervision). Give them a slice of an apple or a carrot. Watch out for any small pieces that can break off and cause choking.

3. Over The Counter Medication

If nothing is helping your baby’s gums, look into trying over the counter medication for them. Tylenol or Child’s Motrin might be helpful in relieving their pain. Speak to a pediatrician before giving your baby any dosage to make sure it is safe.

About Select Dental Office:

Select Dental Office is a Torrance dentist provider. We are responsible for providing you with multiple services to keep your dental health pristine. Make an appointment with us here. Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.

