Six special qualities of the best patent law firm in India

Selena Parker
3 min readFeb 1, 2022


Your search for the best patent law firm in India ends here. Patents protect the inventor’s rights of products or processes by dedicated hard work for a long time. Many businesses spend lots of money on research and development to improve life. Once they find new products or processes in any field, they need to ensure that they reap its benefits. And only after a specific time can others make the same products or processes to make it generic and cheaper. Hence, all countries that safeguard their inventors and contribute to science and other fields have specific patent laws in force.

So, check out the many qualities of India’s best patent law firm to register patents and trademarks.

What is a trademark?

A trademark may be a word, name, logo, picture, symbol, sign, etc., that differentiates from one product to the other. It is also one of the intellectual property rights for the product makers to maintain the ownership rights of their innovative product made by creative activity. For a long time, trademarks helped increase sales and revenue as people identify the product with its trademark to ensure quality and safety. But many competitors and others with sinister motives use the trademark for increasing their product sales.

What is Indian Trademark Law?

The first effective Indian trademark law was enacted only in 1940. With the increasing demand for protecting trademarks, the 1940 trademark law replaced the Trademark and Merchandise Act 1958. And only in the Trademark Act 1999 were the police given the right to arrest the persons infringing the trademark. The new Indian Trademark Law enacted on March 6, 2017, simplifies the trademark registration process. Also, it enables registering sound and 3D marks along with e-filing. Also, it divides the free structure as per individuals, startups, small enterprises and expedites the process.

Six unique qualities of the best patent law firm in India

A patent is a marketing strategy for any business to grow exponentially. However, no one can use patented products and processes, which will affect the company’s growth. One example is the patent of Viagra tablets that enabled Pfizer company to make billions of dollars for twenty years from 1998 to 2017 when the patent expired. Hence, only India’s best patent law firm can benefit from patented products.

Patent Law Firm in India
  1. Maintains the monopoly of the inventor to sell the patented product without any infringements from others to increase profits
  2. Prevents others from making or selling the patented product without an authorized written agreement to share the profits
  3. Ensures that the patented product and its company that have spent significant investment on research and development to get back their ROI or return of investment within the specified patented period
  4. Apart from the team of eminent lawyers with proficiency in patent laws, they also have professionals in many domains like technology, mechanical, chemist, electronic, communications, life sciences, biotechnology, etc. can deal with any patent infringements.
  5. Have enough experience and experts to review the inventions, draft patent specifications, patent filing, and also prosecute the patent applications
  6. Advise the client on the many patent matters vital for the Indian Patent laws, conduct a patent search, and offer opinions.

Only the best patent law firm in India will have all the above qualities and file civil and criminal cases against those misusing the patent to get back the loss because of it.

