Airdrop Program to Celebrate SelfSell Mainnet Launch (4.23~5.7)

1 min readApr 23, 2018


SelfSell Airdrop 4.23~4.30

As part of SelfSell’s mainnet launch celebration, SelfSell is giving away 300,000 SSC in total to all the users participating in this event. What you have to do to winning the reward is:

Step 1. Win 5 SSC by completing below actions:

1. Follow us on twitter @self_sell

2. Retweet the event using #selfsell

3. Join our telegram channel

Step2. Win additional 3 SSC for inviting a friend to join our telegram. Please click to participate!

Step3. Win 10 SSC for downloading our App with a refferal code:


Google play store or

Step4. Win 10 SSC for referring the App to your friend

Share your refferal code to your friend. Both of you will win 10 SSC after your friend filling in the refferal code in App registration.

Step5. Submit your SSC address in this form

Event Duration

First Wave: April 23~April 30

Second Wave: May 1~May 7

The reward will be sent to your SSC address in SelfSell App within 7 days after the event ends.

Good Luck!

SelfSell team




Selfsell is a “People-based” finance platform. It fosters direct investments in people and helps young people achieve their own ideals through individual IPO.