How to Tell If You Have Abandonment Issues: Signs and Symptoms

Self Improvement Day
13 min readMay 21, 2022


Do you have a sneaking suspicion that you may have abandonment issues? It may occur at any moment. It might start at an early age for some individuals, but it can also begin later in life for others. Children who have gone through it may develop a fear of losing other significant persons in their life.

Many people struggle with abandonment issues but often go undiagnosed. This blog post will discuss the signs and symptoms of abandonment issues. We will also provide tips on how to deal with them. So if you think that you may be struggling with abandonment issues, please keep reading!

Abandonment Issue: What Is It?

Abandonment issues can be defined as a deep-seated fear of being alone or rejected. It is a form of anxiety disorder. People who have abandonment issues often feel like they are unworthy of love and attention. They may continuously seek approval from others and fear rejection if they do not receive it.

The first acts of abandonment fear often are unintentional. Typically, this is a conditioned response. Perhaps they observed their parents or early adult friends respond in this manner when they were children, and they learned it.

The Different Types of Abandonment Issues

Three different attachment styles can be affected by abandonment issues: Disorganized Attachment Style, Anxious Attachment Style, and Avoidant Attachment Style.

While all three of these attachment styles can be affected by abandonment issues, each manifests differently. Let’s take a closer look at each one:

▶Disorganized Attachment Style

A lack of organization regarding emotions characterizes this attachment style. People with this attachment style may have difficulty regulating their emotions. As a result, they may act out in unpredictable ways. You may be anxious about being in a relationship or avoid being close to others.

▶Anxious Attachment Style

People with an anxious attachment style tend to be preoccupied with their relationships. They may worry about being abandoned or rejected by others. As a result, they may act clingy or needy. They might also get jealous easily or feel insecure in their relationship.

▶Avoidant Attachment Style

People who have this form of attachment prefer to maintain close and connected relationships with others. However, they may have a fear of intimacy or rejection. As a result, they might also make barriers to protect themselves from getting hurt.

What Causes Abandonment Issues?

There are many potential causes of abandonment issues. These includes:

➜Childhood Trauma

As mentioned above, one of the most common causes of abandonment issues is childhood trauma. It can include physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. It can also include neglect. If a child does not feel loved or supported by their parents, they may develop abandonment issues.

Thus, if a parent is emotionally unavailable or abusive, this can also cause abandonment issues. As a result, when a caregiver or parent fails to offer the child responsive interactions and consistent warmth, the child experiences abandonment, causing them to feel fearful and stressed.

➜Witnessing Domestic Violence

If a child grows up witnessing domestic violence, they may develop abandonment issues. They see how one person can be so cruel to another. They may think that if their parents can’t stay together, no one can.

➜Losing a Parent or Loved One

If a child loses a parent or loved one at an early age, they may develop abandonment issues. They feel like they have been abandoned by the people who were supposed to care for them.

➜Poverty and Economic instability

Poverty and economic instability can also lead to abandonment issues. This is because people struggling to make ends meet may feel like they have no one to turn to for help. They may feel like they are all alone in the world.

How to Tell If You Have Abandonment Issues

Fear of abandonment is not a distinct mental illness, but it is often considered a type of anxiety disorder and, in some instances, phobia. And like all anxiety disorders, certain signs and symptoms may indicate a problem. Here are some of the most common ones:

❕Fear of Rejection

Do you know someone who fears that people might reject them? Those who go out of their way to please others in an attempt to avoid being rejected? This is among the most common signs of abandonment issues. Maybe they have experienced someone close to them leaving, such as a parent or romantic partner. As a result, they may subconsciously believe that they will eventually leave if they let people get too close. It is important to note that this fear of rejection is often unfounded and based on past experiences.

❕Desperate for Attention

Some people might address it as attention seeker behavior. People with abandonment issues are often desperate for attention. They may feel like they are invisible and that no one notices them. They may feel like they are not worthy of love and care.

As a result, they go to great lengths to get the attention of others. It may manifest in different ways, such as being clingy or always needing reassurance from others. They might also try to get attention by any means necessary, even if it means acting out or being disruptive.

❕Avoidance of Intimacy

Another common sign of abandonment issues is avoidance of intimacy. People with abandonment issues often fear that if they get too close to someone, they will eventually be abandoned. As a result, they might keep their distance from others physically and emotionally.

❕Anxiety and Depression

People with abandonment issues often experience anxiety and depression. They feel like they are all alone in the world and that no one cares about them. As a result, they may feel anxious and depressed.

❕Relying Heavily on Others for Support

One of the most common signs of abandonment issues is relying heavily on others for support. This may manifest as needing reassurance from others or constantly seeking their approval.

People with abandonment issues may have difficulty being alone and may feel restless and anxious when they are. They may also feel like they need to be in constant contact with others and feel panicked when they are not.

❕Feeling Empty and Lost

Another common sign of abandonment issues is feeling empty and lost. This is because people with abandonment issues often feel like they have no one to turn to for help. They may feel like they are all alone in the world and that no one cares about them. As a result, they may feel empty and lost.

❕Insecurity and Jealousy

All of us are insecure and jealous at times, but people with abandonment issues often feel these emotions more intensely. They may feel like they are not good enough or will never be able to find someone to love them. As a result, they may act in ways designed to keep others from leaving them.

How to Deal With Abandonment Issues

Acknowledgment is the first step in dealing with abandonment issues. This means recognizing that you have them and that they affect your life. Once you have done this, you can begin to work on addressing them.

There are a few ways to deal with abandonment issues:

✓Learn and Practice the Art of Relaxation

This means learning how to relax your mind and body. It can be done through yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

✓Establish a Trusted Support System

Since trust is a big issue for people with abandonment issues, it is important to have a support system that you can rely on. This might be friends, family members, or a therapist.

✓Do a Self Reflection

Do a self-reflection on your anxiety-provoking behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. It will help you understand your triggers and how to deal with them.

✓Engage in Activities and Self-Care Strategies

Start by doing things that make you feel good. This might include exercise, journaling, or spending time in nature. It is also important to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. It means eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding drugs and alcohol.

✓Seek Professional Help

If you struggle to deal with your abandonment issues, it is important to seek professional help. This can be done through therapy or medication.

Treating Abandonment Issues With Therapy

If you are struggling with abandonment issues, therapy can be a great option. It can help you understand your triggers and how to deal with them. Therapy can also teach you how to build trust and cope with anxiety and stress. You may feel more at ease in your therapeutic relationship if you have a good therapist.

Treating Abandonment Issues With Medication

Another option for treating abandonment issues is medication. It can help reduce anxiety and stress and help to improve your mood and sleep. If you consider medication, it is important to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits.

Tips to Help a Person With Abandonment Issues

Helping someone with abandonment issues may be difficult since they typically push everyone away when they have been confronted or helpless. And besides, whenever you express your concern, their natural reaction may be to question your loyalty towards them.

While everyone’s fear of abandonment is different, the following approaches may be helpful:

➠Show Patience and Understanding

The first step is to try and understand where they are coming from. This means being patient and listening to what it has to say. It often needs emotional validation and reassurance. It is important to let someone know that you are there and that you understand how it feels.

➠Encourage Them to Open Up

A person with abandonment issues may have a hard time opening up. It is because they are afraid of being rejected or hurt. It is essential to encourage them to share their feelings with you. This can be done by asking questions and being a good listener.

➠Build Trust

Since trust is a big issue for people with abandonment issues, it is important to build trust between you and the person you are helping. This can be done by being reliable, honest, and consistent. It is also essential to keep your promises and follow through on your commitments.

➠Provide Support

Offer support and advice when needed. This might include helping to find a therapist or medication. It is also essential to be there for them when they are struggling. It means being available to talk and offering emotional support.

➠Help Them Find an Activity That They Enjoy

Encourage them to find an activity that they enjoy. This can help make someone’s mind off the anxiety and stress. You can accompany them on this activity or help find a group or class.

➠Don’t Be Lured by Emotion

A person with abandonment issues may try to lure you in with their emotions. They might do this by being overly needy or dramatic. It is important to be aware of this and to set boundaries as needed. It means not enabling them or giving in to their demands. They may use facial expressions, body language, or words to try and get you to stay.

➠Normalize their Fears

Acknowledge that their fears are normal. It can help them feel less alone and understand that their reactions are common. It is also important to remind them that their fears do not define them.

➠Show Radical Genuineness

It means being genuine with them and showing them that you care. This can be done by being yourself and not putting up a front. It is also vital to be honest and to show your vulnerability. It is one way of showing them that you share the same fears and are there for them.

➠Be Prepared for Setbacks

There may be times when the person you are helping takes a step backward. It is normal and to be expected. It is essential to be patient and understanding. You can offer support and encouragement during these times.

➠Encourage Them to Seek Professional Help

If the person you are helping is struggling to deal with their abandonment issues, it is crucial to encourage them to seek professional help. This can be done by talking to them about therapy or medication. It is also essential to provide support and encouragement during this process.

The Benefits of Working Through Abandonment Issues

Working through abandonment issues can be a long and difficult process. However, it is worth it. These are some benefits of working through abandonment issues:

☑Improved Relationships

Finally, you will be able to trust more and be more open with others. You will also be less afraid of being rejected or hurt. You can finally set yourself free from the past and have healthier relationships.

☑A Sense of Peace

You will no longer be a victim of your fear. You will feel more in control and at peace. And you will finally be able to trust yourself and others. This can lead to healthier relationships and a sense of peace.

☑Improve Self-esteem

You will no longer feel like a victim; feel stronger and more capable. It can lead to improved self-esteem and self-worth.

☑Improved Mental and Emotional Health

Working through your abandonment issues can lead to improved mental and emotional health. You will feel less anxious and more confident. You will also be able to deal with stress in a healthy way. It can lead to a more positive outlook on life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What should you do if you have experienced a traumatic event?

You can do many things if you have experienced a traumatic event. One of the most important is to talk about what happened with someone who will listen and understand. You may also find it helpful to write about what happened or draw or paint pictures representing the event.

Some people find it helpful to go for walks or run to process the experience. Finally, it is crucial to take care of yourself physically and emotionally by eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that make you happy.

Q: How can abandonment issue impact a person?

Abandonment issues can manifest in various ways but often result in difficulty trusting others, fear of abandonment, and a deep-seated feeling of loneliness. People with abandonment issues may find it difficult to form close relationships and frequently feel like they are not good enough or worthy of love and support.

Q: What is the best way to deal with abandonment issues?

The best way to deal with abandonment issues is to talk about them. Talk to someone you trust about your feelings of abandonment and what they mean to you. Often, simply talking about them can help lessen their power over you.

You can also explore your feelings of abandonment through therapy or writing. These activities can help you understand why you feel abandoned and how that affects your life. Finally, do your best to connect with people who make you feel loved and supported. It will help reduce your need for approval from others and help you feel more secure in yourself.

Q: What impact does childhood abandonment have on adulthood?

Childhood abandonment has a profound impact on adulthood. It can lead to many psychological problems, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

People abandoned as children are also more likely to engage in self-destructive behaviors, such as drug and alcohol abuse. They are also more likely to have unstable relationships and difficulty forming attachments with others.

Ultimately, childhood abandonment can lead to a host of problems in adulthood that can make it difficult to lead a healthy, fulfilling life.

Q: Will working through abandonment issues make them go away?

Working through abandonment issues can help lessen their impact on your life, but they may never completely go away. However, by understanding your feelings of abandonment and how they affect you, you can learn to cope with them healthily. It can lead to improved mental and emotional health and a more positive outlook on life.

Q: Can abandonment issues be cured?

Yes. It is possible to overcome abandonment issues, but it takes time and effort. The first step is to identify the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with abandonment issues. Once you’ve identified these, you can start working on replacing them with healthier thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It may require seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor.

It’s also important to develop a family and friends support system to offer emotional support and positive reinforcement. Finally, be patient — it may take time for the old patterns to break and new ones to form. But with patience and perseverance, you can overcome your abandonment issues.

Q: Is it possible to get PTSD from abandonment?

It is possible to get PTSD from abandonment. When a person is abandoned, they may feel like they are not good enough, that they are not worth keeping around. It can lead to feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. Also, when a person experiences abandonment, it can trigger a fight or flight response. It can lead to feelings of fear, anger, and sadness.

These feelings can stay with a person long after the event has occurred and may cause them to experience flashbacks or intrusive thoughts about the event. If these symptoms persist for more than four weeks, the person is likely to experience PTSD.

Q: What are some other psychological effects of abandonment issues?

There are many other psychological effects of abandonment issues, including anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and difficulty trusting others. Abandonment issues can also lead to self-destructive behaviors such as substance abuse or risky sexual behavior. If you have abandonment issues, it’s important to seek professional help to learn to cope with your feelings in a healthy way.

Q: Can abandonment issues be passed down from generation to generation?

Abandonment issues can be passed down from generation to generation. If you have parents or grandparents who experienced abandonment, you may be more likely to experience it yourself.

It is because abandonment issues can be caused by genetic factors, such as a history of mental illness in the family. Additionally, abandonment issues can be passed down through learned behaviors. For example, if you see your parents constantly arguing, you may learn that fighting is a normal part of relationships. It can lead you to have difficulty forming attachments with others and unstable relationships.

Final Thoughts

Abandonment issues can be difficult to deal with, but it is possible to overcome them. If you think you may have abandonment issues, it’s essential to seek professional help. You can learn to cope with your feelings in a healthy way with time and effort. Also, by following the tips above, you can start to work through your abandonment issues and live a more fulfilling life.

