101 Zen Stories: Story # 35 : Every-Minute Zen — Mindfulness in Every Moment

Suzy Bliss
2 min readJan 10, 2024


Zen students traditionally train under their masters for at least two years before teaching others. One day, Tenno, who had finished his apprenticeship and become a teacher, visited the master Nan-in. It was raining that day, so Tenno wore wooden clogs and carried an umbrella.

After greeting Tenno, Nan-in remarked “I suppose you left your wooden clogs in the vestibule. I want to know if your umbrella is on the right or left side of the clogs.”

Tenno was confused, as he did not have an instant answer. He realized he was not practicing mindful awareness of the present moment. Tenno became Nan-in’s student again, training for six more years to accomplish “every-minute Zen” mindfulness.

Cultivating Everyday Mindfulness

This Zen parable emphasizes the importance of living consciously and fully engaging with each moment. After finishing his training, Tenno visits master Nan-in as a newly certified teacher. However, when asked a simple question about the details of where he left his shoes and umbrella, Tenno does not have an immediate answer.

This shows Tenno was moving through his day mindlessly, without conscious presence. Nan-in’s purpose in asking is to highlight the value of cultivating greater mindfulness even in ordinary daily activities. Though Tenno completed his studies, Nan-in helps him recognize there is always room for deepening awareness.

For contemporary readers, this story is a reminder to bring wakeful attention to our actions, rather than living on autopilot. How often do we drive places absorbed in thought and arrive with little memory of the journey? Or interact with loved ones while also distracted? We miss the richness life offers when not anchored in the present.

The tale encourages training our minds to witness the small details that make up our life. As Tenno learned, there is always more depth to uncover if we engage each moment mindfully. Staying conscious, clear, and connected cultivates greater understanding and discernment. We unlock life’s gifts when we actively sustain presence.

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