101 Zen Stories: Story # 5 — If You Love, Love Openly — Authentic Love Fears No Openness

Suzy Bliss
2 min readDec 14, 2023


A group of monks and a nun named Eshun were meditating together under a Zen master. Though Eshun had shaved her head and dressed plainly, her beauty still captivated some of the monks. One monk wrote her a love letter, asking to meet privately.

Eshun did not reply to the note. After the next day’s lecture, she stood up before the group. Looking at the smitten monk, she said — “If you truly love me, embrace me here and now, openly in front of all.”

The stunned monk could not step forward, bound by social norms and shame. Eshun’s words illuminated that authentic love need not hide in the shadows. If one’s feelings are true and pure, they should not cause embarrassment. Rather than sneak around, real love can be admitted openly without fear. The monk was not ready for such honesty.

By directly inviting the monk’s public expression of devotion, Eshun guided him towards courage and sincerity. A love that cannot be acknowledged in the light likely lacks spiritual grounding. Her wisdom inspired the monk to reflect deeply on the nature of his attraction and intentions.

Love’s Integrity Thrives in Openness

In today’s world of secret affairs and private online communications, this story provides a bold counterpoint — real love need not hide in the shadows. If feelings are earnest and intentions are pure, openly acknowledging love should cause no shame.

As the monk discovered, it takes great courage and maturity to express love transparently rather than conceal it. Yet honest expression builds trust and deeper connection. The nun’s wisdom reminds us not to confuse secret infatuation with love’s spiritual grounding.

Shining Light on Love’s True Nature

Eshun’s daring invitation to the monk illuminates an important distinction — love rooted in sincerity and spirit can withstand the light of day. If a relationship relies on hiding, it likely stems from possessiveness or ego. The nun gave the monk an opportunity to examine his own motives and readiness for authentic devotion by putting his private letter in public view.

Though direct, her approach was skillful — pushing the monk to reconsider, rather than scolding or shaming him. She allowed the situation to reveal deeper lessons on the nature of genuine love.

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