The Benefits of a 10-Minute Yoga Nidra (NSDR) Session at Lunch

Suzy Bliss
2 min readDec 24, 2023


Taking just 10 minutes during your lunch break to practice Yoga Nidra can provide a wealth of benefits for both your mental and physical health. This short guided meditation helps reset the nervous system, reduce stress, and boost energy levels leading to improved productivity in the afternoon.

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a meditative practice that brings the body and mind into a deeply relaxed state between waking and sleeping. The guided practice typically leads participants through mindfulness of body sensations, breathing, and visualization. Studies show Yoga Nidra decreases anxiety, releases muscular tension, and enhances well-being.

Resetting the Nervous System

One of the key benefits of Yoga Nidra is inducing the relaxation response, which enables the reversal of the “fight-or-flight” stress response triggered throughout the busy workday. This allows the brain and nervous system to return to baseline, self-regulate, and function optimally for the tasks ahead. Just a short 10-minute session over lunch stimulates the vagus nerve and triggers important relaxation hormones.

Reducing Fatigue & Boosting Energy

In addition to counteracting stress accumulation and exhaustion, brief midday Yoga Nidra reenergizes tired muscles and rejuvenates mental clarity and focus. The meditative technique brings the body into a deeply restful state far quicker than regular sleep allowing you to return to work renewed. Studies demonstrate significantly improved work performance in the afternoon even with only 10 minutes of Yoga Nidra on the lunch break.

Integrating Yoga Nidra into Your Routine

Cultivating the simple habit of listening to a pre-recorded 10-minute Yoga Nidra track during your daily lunch break will deliver immense rewards. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, set a timer, and let the soothing voice guide you through the powerful meditation. Come away with a sense of inner peace before diving back into your workday with renewed sense of mental acuity and physical vitality. The benefits are immense with only minimal commitment required.

The Takeaway

Taking just 10 minutes during lunch to relax into Yoga Nidra meditation provides the perfect midday reset for body and mind. You’ll return to the office with reduced stress, heightened focus and energy, and an overall greater sense of well-being.

Links to Yoga Nidra (NSDR) Videos on YouTube:

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