The Circle of Gratitude: Repaying Our Spiritual Benefactors. Shantideva’s Teaching on Patience, verse 119 of 134

Suzy Bliss
3 min read3 days ago

“Other than pleasing sentient beings,

What way is there to repay

Those stalwart friends who act to bring

Immeasurable benefit?” (Verse 119)

The Reciprocity of Spiritual Growth

In this profound verse, Shantideva explores the concept of gratitude and reciprocity on the spiritual path. He suggests that the most fitting way to repay those who have contributed to our spiritual growth is by extending kindness and benefit to all sentient beings. This teaching underscores the interconnected nature of spiritual development and the circular flow of compassion and support.

Honoring Our Spiritual Benefactors

Shantideva refers to those who bring “immeasurable benefit” as “stalwart friends.” These benefactors include not only formal teachers and enlightened beings but also every individual who has played a part in our spiritual journey. The verse implies that true repayment of their kindness lies not in direct reciprocation but in extending the same care and support to all beings.

The All-Encompassing Nature of Spiritual Debt

