The Selfie Salon Challenge

Selfie Salon Challenge
3 min readApr 2, 2020


A viral makeover challenge, called Selfie Salon is grooming its way through the internet, as people at home dedicate styling and makeovers to friends, the elderly and co-workers in need of cheering up, before donating the money saved on the treatment, to a COVID-19 charity relief fund.

And it’s fun, interactive and it’s warming the heart!



The platform allows you to dedicate your before and after photos and donate to your charity of choice, all in support of those fighting the COVID-19 outbreak. And with more charities being added daily, people are nominating 1 celebrity and 5 friends to do the same.

A hybrid of the amazing ALS Ice-Bucket challenge and Movember’s charitable viral meme’s, except, in this case, it affects and can be participated in, by everybody.

And it is.

For some, showing appreciation is done by creators in honour of their hairstylists, who currently cannot work. For others, it’s a child’s dedication to their grandparents, who are most vulnerable, in isolation and then of course for many, it’s a dedication and donation to those fighting the epidemic, from Front Line workers to Charities helping the most vulnerable.

How the idea came about?

The inspiration for this idea originated from Matt Hagger and the embarrassing admission, that Matt actually clips and styles and own hair. And has done for 20 years.

The problem:

On Tuesday 24th March 2020, whilst in lockdown, Matt was styling his hair as usual and immediately, had a light bulb moment:

‘The whole world at large will be unable to have any form of professional hair and/or beauty styling treatments as we #stayhomestaysafe. This means catastrophic damage for a Hair and Beauty industry with a market value of $200b.

Many of my friends who work in this industry are either self-employed or freelancers, which accounts for 50% of the market. They are now really struggling.

In that moment, stuck at home, Matt realised that he had to try and play his part.

I am not a doctor or a nurse but I can volunteer what I have at my disposal, plus some time and dedication to the cause. I needed to create something very simple, but something that could bring joy to many, create awareness AND provide relief to those in need, resulting from the global impact of COVID-19.

But it was important that this impacted EVERYBODY, not just a few.

Making it happen:

Selfie Salon is designed to help the following people and organisations by:

  • Bringing joy to elderly, vulnerable and isolated with a message of hope and love.
  • A morale boost for Front Line / Key Workers, who risk their lives, on a daily basis, for you and I.
  • Donations for the COVID-19 solidarity response fund and any other charity relief funds, attempting to fight the disease.
  • Acknowledging the hair and beauty industry directly.
  • All of us at home, who may be struggling and feeling helpless, giving each of us a few hours of fun and interactivity. We can all play our part, no matter how small.

Most of all, we just want to make people smile

This little idea does so much good on so many levels.

How it works?

Option to donate the usual cost of having this treatment, to a chosen relief fund.

Share the love and nominate 1 famous person and 5 friends to do the same.



Selfie Salon Challenge

Helping people tohave fun, cheer up the isolated and raise money for COVID-19 relief funds.