
Amelia Sides
2 min readMay 18, 2017


I’ve been thinking about this old comedian routine where he’s shaming a woman he’s dating for having brown stains in her panties. He goes on and on about it being Shit Stains. All I can think of is that it probably was blood.

Blood stains brown after you wash it if the stain doesn’t come out. I don’t understand how men can be so clueless about things like menstruation when you are possibly going to date and live with a woman. How many men my age grew up thinking brown stains in panties meant the woman was a slob or unclean? How many women were shamed because of something they can’t control because of an ignorant man who used that in his comedy skit?

I’ve always had a heavy period and stain whatever I’m wearing every time. A lot of women have a set of panties they only where on the week they have their period so they don’t stain their others. Blood is a bitch to get out once it’s set. I tend to flood and go through several pads a day and since pads suck they leak and you get blood leaking onto your panties and whatever you are wearing. I wear dark colors on that week for this reason alone.

Why aren’t we educating boys and men on menstruation? Why is it still considered a taboo topic for so many people. I deal with it for up to 9 days a month, anyone I’m living with should understand what I’m going through during that time and not write everything I say and do as having to do with hormones, because while that does play in, mostly it’s about pain.

Inflammation causes pain and messes with your brain. The more inflammation marker you have floating around your bloodstream the more exhausted, bloated, brain fogged, and bad you feel. If you already have an autoimmune disorder then you already have a high level of inflammation markers in your blood all the time, being on your period makes these markers go even higher. While I’m on my period at least one of my conditions will flare up even more. I can be having a wonderful month, mostly pain free and full of energy and I’m going to crash the first few days of my period every time.

