☎️Detailed overview of the benefits of NEON EVM(BENEFITS)!

4 min readJul 16, 2022


Hello to all Kryptans and Kryptans! Mr. Atlant is in touch. You are on the media channel Mr. Atlanta Games. In this article, we will continue to study the NEON project . And the topic for this issue is the following: A detailed overview of the benefits of Neon Labs . I advise you to watch this video to the end, because the information is very interesting and useful. We’re getting started!

For those who are new to our channel. I will tell you briefly what this NEON project is …

Neon is a smart contract built on the Solana blockchain that is designed to be compatible with EVMs. This allows dApp developers to use Ethereum tools to scale and access liquidity on Solana.

A To take full advantage of Solana’s functionality, Neon EVM is designed as a Solana smart contract. This flexibility also ensures that Neon EVM can be easily upgraded as new Ethereum features become available.

Well, after that, there should be no questions for beginners, so let’s move on to the advantages of the Neon project…


🌹One of the main advantages is the Scalability Advantage:

It’s no secret to many that Solana is famous for fast transactions and low gas fees . And this, in turn, will have a positive effect on Ethereum dApps, as projects will adopt some of Solana’s best technologies

🌹The second major benefit is Solana’s Growing Ecosystem:

You can access your own SOL tokens and other communication-enabled assets in any application supported by EVM

🌹The third of the main advantages is the First EVM on Solana:

(Discover first mover benefits and reach new users)

🌱 What does this mean?

You and I know that this is the first EVM on the Solana blockchain.

🌱 What are the advantages?

The ability to create new dApps and use Solana technologies, namely: fast transactions and extremely cheap fees

The opportunity to reach new users and fans, and increase your advantages among your competitors. And this will promote and confirm you as a competitive project that will have all the opportunities to overtake competitors and increase the number of transactions many times over.

🌹The fourth of the main advantages is Easy adaptation of the smart contract:

You can deploy Ethereum dApps (applications) without any configuration change of smart contracts, which will allow you to use the applications with ease.

🌹The fifth of the main advantages is Familiar languages ​​of smart contracts:

As a developer, you can (without any problem) write your app in any language. If you know the Solidity language, you can write an application in this language, or if you know the Vyper language, you can use it in writing

That’s it, we have come to the last advantage, and this is the next one…

🌹The sixth major benefit is the Tools You Already Use:

The team notes that all the benefits are achieved without significant changes to the existing Ethereum smart contract code . You can use your favorite and familiar Ethereum based tools like MetaMask, Truffle and others.


I believe that the project is extremely promising and there is a great need for Neon. This is clearly visible in the advantages of the project. It’s kind of a Moonbeam project. Why? Because it connects Polkadot and Ethereum (that is, it is a bridge). And speaking of Neon, it is a bridge between Solana and Ethereum.

+ Ethereum is a powerful blockchain system with close to 6 million active users and growing every year.

+ Solana is one of the most technically advanced and innovative blockchains known for its low gas fees and high transaction throughput.

Neon = Solana + Ethereum

Neon EVM provides full compatibility with Ethereum on Solana . That opens up great opportunities and will be able to change the world of applications in a good perspective.

Friends, that’s all I have! We have even more interesting information ahead of us, so be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, the media channel and all social networks. See you again in the next 🎥 issue!

