Philadelphia Dentist Babiner Dental Makes Brushing Teeth a Breeze

Selina Bayer
2 min readDec 7, 2018


Brushing your teeth can be such a chore.

First you have to get the outsides AND insides of your canines and incisors. Then you have to get the outsides, insides, AND top sides of your molars and premolars. Oh, and don’t forget that gum-line! Also, your tongue. Every day, twice a day, for two minutes each time. See? It’s a chore. Kinda.

Well, what if there were a toothbrush that could help you save time and effort brushing your teeth, and do a great job of it as well. It’s called the Triple Bristle Toothbrush — a three-headed toothbrush invented by Feasterville dentist practice, Babiner Dental that has changed everything.

Their team was inspired to create it by the need to help you get those tough-to-reach spots in your mouth. Imagine the amount of dental plaque, and stains from over the years, lodged in those spots. Well now there’s a fix for that. As an added bonus, brushing with the 3-sided toothbrush will get the job done in half the time — or less!

What’s It Like?

No, it’s not like having three toothbrushes glued together and then sticking the bunch in your mouth. It’s got three heads — all with soft bristles. The two on each side are cut at a 45-degree angle to allow you to get to your teeth and gum-line comfortably, while the third side takes care of the top side of your teeth.

The toothbrush cleans your teeth deeply, and effectively, using its sonic vibrations. Yes, it cleans deep — but that doesn’t mean it’s uncomfortable. The soft bristles make sure you don’t hurt yourself while trying to get that set of billion-dollar pearly whites.

It’s also very safe to use with braces, veneers, and whatever you have going on in that beautiful mouth of yours.

In summary, why should you change out your old toothbrush for this one? Thanks to dentist Max Babiner and his patented toothbrush, tartar, plaque, stains from over the years, are now a thing of the past. In Dr. Babiner’s own words, “It’s simple to use, saves time, and will give you whiter teeth and a brighter smile,”… “What’s not to love?” he concludes.

If you’re still in doubt, you only need to hop on Amazon and check out the reviews. Besides cleaning your teeth so well, the Triple Bristle is very disability-safe, and great for anyone suffering for any ailment that affects fine-motor skills. People with arthritis, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s, can benefit from the complete ease the toothbrush allows.

In short, the Triple Bristle Toothbrush is a dentist’s brush, specially created with you and your oral health in mind.



Selina Bayer

Whenever you read a good piece of content, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light. But the post must be good, or the door stays shut.