Easy Tips to Prevent Amazon Account Suspension

seller drive
3 min readFeb 10, 2018


Amazon is the best place, from where people earn a huge amount of money by selling their products and service offerings to others. This platform helps buyers in meeting the requirements of sellers and vice versa. There are a large number of success stories highlighted by a large number of people about Amazon platform and the way it helped them in their long-term success.

However, there are a few people, who have suffered banned or account suspensions while selling their product offers. In this situation, online businesses require following a few tips to deal with such difficult situations smartly.

Read the Terms and Conditions Properly

Each company has its own terms and conditions, which they should expect other people follow. These help the company in running their businesses smoothly and in a pleasing way both for sellers and buyers. People fail to follow such conditions will likely suffer from their accounts suspension or banned accounts. Suppose an individual is posting his listing for the first time. Amazon takes a huge interest in knowing if any person remains in line with the mentioned conditions. If such individuals violate the terms, their accounts suspended.

Verify Your Amazon Payments Account

Amazon Payments account is of huge significance for all individuals wanted to perform transactions on Amazon platform. This tip is applicable to both Amazon buyers and sellers. Verify your account before you should use it while doing transactions.

Amazon Payments account should contain the name of sellers. This proves that you are a genuine owner of your account and not a hacked/spammed one. You should always keep in mind that there are frequent cases related to hacked payments account on Amazon. Hence, you should make sure to stay yourself protected by simply using a verified Amazon Payments account.

Make Sure to Get Positive Rates

Amazon sellers should make sure to deliver top quality of goods and that too in timely manner. Most of the buyers will continuously give positive rates if you succeed to make them satisfied and happy. On the other side, Amazon quality control team notices consistent stream of poor ratings and negative comments and it put efforts to know the reason behind such complains. In this way, negative comments and poor ratings will increase the possibility of your account suspension or banned completely.

On-time Delivery to avoid any Dispute

Buyers would likely launch disputes whenever they find sellers, as failed to deliver their goods within time. Whenever buyers start with complaining too much about delivery times, sellers account come under supervision. One of the best ways to deal with these scenarios is to choose a fast shipping method. Buyers will never mind of paying additional dollars to obtain their goods shipped at relatively fast rate to any location. Hence, as a seller, you should make sure of using a reliable shipping method to avoid any dispute.

Stop Using VPNs and Proxy’s while using any Linked Amazon Payments

Amazon Payments have their strict rules related to the usage of VPNs and Proxy’s. Proxies intend to help users in hiding their exact locations. In case Amazon Payments notice that you logged in from any different location, it may limit your account until and unless you provide detailed information. Therefore, consistent usage of Proxies and VPNs may result in account ban and suspension in the near future.

